Insurance Category Archives

False Fraud Allegations Spur Punitive Damages in BC

crosswalk photo with ICBC logo and insurance document overlaid

The National Post reported recently on a judicial decision from British Columbia ordering the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, to pay an immigrant couple more than $350,000 in punitive damages after the corporation falsely accused them of insurance fraud. In the judgment, the prosecution brought against Danica Arsenovski was described by Justice Susan Griffith as “malicious,” and the actions of the ICBC “brought fear and …

Why you need optional car insurance benefits

a hand signs a form with a car in the background

Posted with permission from Several changes to the Ontario Accident Benefits regime in recent years have meant that you do need many of the optional benefits offered by your car insurance company. Because these optional increases cost more money, many people opt not to purchase them. Unfortunately, it is only after they are injured in a car accident that people realize why the optional benefits are …

Government needs to turn its attention to plight of victims

doctor reviews clipboard

Today, OTLA called on the Ontario Government to establish a commission to conduct a public inquiry to examine the current state of independent medical assessments of injured auto accident victims. After years of changes designed to placate the insurance industry, the government needs to turn its attention to the plight of victims. The appointment today of a new auto insurance advisor – David Marshall – presents the opportunity to …

Proposed Aviva Insurance Policy a Boon for Uber Drivers Without Commercial Coverage

Billed as an evolution to modern transportation, Uber has inspired global debate about whether the company’s ridesharing application cuts corners on regulatory rules, and what effect this has on the taxi industry and public at large. A proposed policy by Aviva Canada seeks to respond to the company’s uncertain insurance coverage for ridesharing drivers and their passengers. A major problem with using Uber is the …

Tis the Season for Winter Tires and Ontario Insurers are playing Scrooge with the Discounts

Winter tires are an important part of safe winter driving. The tire rubber is more flexible and contacts cold, icy roads in a way that all season and summer tires simply can’t. Shorter stopping distances and greater vehicle control translate to a lower risk of collision and, accordingly, decreased chance of an insurance claim. In April’s provincial budget, the Ontario government promised to make insurance …

Social Media, Privacy, and High-tech Fishing Expeditions: Digital Evidence in the 21st Century

In today’s high tech world, the ubiquity of social media, wearable technology and the digitization of everything we touch, see and do leaves behind a trail of digital fingerprints. As such, it’s no surprise that starting a personal injury lawsuit in the digital age often comes with many challenges; one of which is the potential production of “private” social media details to insurance companies. Information found …