Safety Category Archives

Recreational Trails And Non-Urban Property Use: “Risks Willingly Assumed”

Imagine that it is a beautiful fall day, and you decide to go for a bike ride before the weather cools down. Cycling in a nearby wooded area, commonly used by your neighbourhood for outdoor activities, imagine your horror when your bike tumbles into a ditch. In addition to sustaining many scrapes and bruises, you have broken your leg!

The Role of Campus Police

As students return to universities across the country, they will likely notice the presence of police-like “campus cops”. Despite their colloquial nickname and similar uniform, special constables, as they are formally titled, are not police officers. They are peace officers who have been granted police authority through provincial legislation.

How Much Is Too Much? Should Life Insurance Providers Use Your Digital Data To Determine Your Health and Premiums?

Wearable health and fitness tracking devices, such as Fitbit, and mHealth technology, such as Apple’s mobile applications, have become so ubiquitous that they have permeated into most of our lives. It should therefore come as no surprise that companies are interested in the potential wealth of data that they represent.

Car Seat Safety Information that Every Parent should Know

It can be challenging to figure out how to correctly purchase, install, and use car seats and booster seats, and to know when they can no longer be used. Car seats and booster seats are not intuitive and, like many parenting skills, take some education and practice to master.

What makes a dangerous step?

Stairs and steps in Ontario are regulated by law under the Occupiers’ Liability Act. According to section 3(1) an occupier owes a duty to take reasonable care to ensure persons on their property are reasonably safe.

Safe Cycling for Kids

As the weather warms and the snow melts away, we think of outdoor activities. One of the most popular activities for kids is riding a bicycle. Most people can remember the feeling of whizzing down the street with the wind in our face as we experience the freedom of riding a bicycle on our own. Sadly, cycling can also be hazardous, particularly when not wearing …