distracted driving Tag Archives

Distracted driving

There are many forms of distracted driving that can come up in motor vehicle accident litigation. During the examination for discovery process there will be questions posed by lawyers on both sides about whose fault the accident was.

Driving? Keep a Keen Eye for Wildlife as Seasons Change

The Summer is over, the kids are back at school and the days are getting colder again. Northern Ontario has seen its first cold nights already.  We are moving back to winter temperatures, snow,ice and  salt on the roads. This is the time that larger wildlife like deer and moose venture onto the roads to lick salt off the asphalt.  It is also the time …

Put the phone down! Ontario’s Top Court sends strong message to distracted drivers

The Ontario Court of Appeal delivered two decisions on Friday, September 26, 2013, which make it very clear that even holding a cellphone while driving constitutes an offence. The decisions will make enforcement of s.78.1(1)of the Highway Traffic Act much easier for police as the Court found that there is no requirement for the Crown to actually prove the device was being used or was …

D.O.N.T.: OTLA supports province-wide campaign targeting distracted drivers

Launch of D.O.N.T. at Queen's Park on June 6, 2013

Do you text when you drive? Here’s a simple message: “D.O.N.T.” During the month of June, a coalition of injury prevention advocates is asking Ontarians to pledge to Drive Only… Never Text, or D.O.N.T.  The D.O.N.T. campaign, launched on June 6, will remind drivers of all ages that distracted driving—which includes driving while texting or talking on a cell phone—can lead to car crashes and …