civil Tag Archives

COVID-19 pandemic fears, deliberate spitting in public, and civil remedies

As Ontario begins to re-open additional services and begins to implement stage two and eventually stage three protocols for the COVID-19 pandemic, A serious issue is deliberate spitting and coughing incidents being reported.

Loye v. Bowers, 2020 ONSC 782

Loye v. Bowers is a ruling on costs by Justice J. R. H. Turnball in which the defendant was seeking costs from plaintiff’s counsel personally following the trial of a personal injury action.

Ask a Lawyer: Should We Broadcast Court Proceedings?

Recently, Justice Denny Thomas in Edmonton allowed television cameras inside the courtroom to broadcast his long-awaited decision in the Travis Vader murder case. His decision to allow cameras has stirred up the debate on whether or not to allow cameras into Canadian courtrooms. Broadcasting inside courtrooms is nothing new in the United States but is extremely rare in Canada. Many of us remember the O.J. Simpson trial …

What’s a Litigation Guardian?

Lawyers present legal options to their clients, make recommendations, and receive instructions on how to proceed. The foundational principle is that the client remains in control of their proceeding. However, when a client is incapable of providing instructions, and therefore incapable of controlling their proceeding, another party must become involved, and that party is the Litigation Guardian. The Law A person unable to instruct counsel …

The Civil Jury

In North America, the jury trial is almost sacrosanct. Even lawyers who have never tried a case before a jury will argue passionately that a jury trial is every litigant’s right and should be preserved at all costs. Over the past several years there is a push by the judiciary to find ways to decide disputes more efficiently and at less cost. One target for …