In November 2017, J.E. was walking on a sidewalk in Waterloo when he was injured by a bus stop sign that was protruding into his path. He claimed damages for injuries including concussion, depression and anxiety. In 2023, J.E. was subsequently hospitalized, diagnosed with and treated for schizophrenia.
Summaries Category Archives
[The Applicant] by his Guardian, K. R. v. Unifund Assurance Company, 2019 CarswellOnt 7818
Legal fees incurred in obtaining a guardianship order for persons deemed catastrophically impaired may or may not be considered “rehabilitative benefits”.
16-001683 v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
The LAT held that the golf cart is not an “automobile” because the subject accident did not take place on a “common and public driveway”. As such, the applicant was prohibited from launching an accident benefits claim.
16-002782/AABS v. Aviva Canada Insurance, 2018 CanLII 39370 (ON LAT)
This decision reinforces that the Licence Appeal Tribunal will not award costs except in cases of frivolous, vexatious or bad faith conduct. In particular, the Tribunal held that the threshold for awarding costs is high and cost awards are not meant to compensate the parties for the cost of their involvement in claims.
17-000835 v. Aviva General Insurance Canada, 2018 CanLII 83520 (ON LAT)
After exhausting the $3,500 monetary limit available under the Minor Injury Guidelines, Aviva denied his claims for further treatment, arguing that the chronic pain that the Applicant developed does not entitle him to any additional benefits beyond the MIG limits.
2343697 Ontario Inc. v. Aviva Insurance Company of Canada, 2019 ONSC 3016 (CanLII)
The Defendants succeeded on a motion for an order requiring that the Plaintiffs appoint an appraiser pursuant to s. 128(5) of the Insurance Act.
A.A. v. TD Insurance Meloch Monnex, 2023 CanLII 40091
A Reconsideration Decision, in which the applicant requested for the Initial Decision to be set aside, and for a new hearing before a different adjudicator
A.B. v. Waite, 2018 ONSC 2151 (CanLII)
The bleak future of MVA general damage awards in Ontario.
A.J. v. Security National Insurance Co., 2021 CarswellOnt 6104
The Applicant was injured on or about May 27, 2016, and sought benefits pursuant to O. Reg. 34/10 effective September 1, 2010. The Respondent, Security National Insurance refused to pay for specific benefits, including an award pursuant to Regulation 664, interest, and costs…
A.K. v. Allstate Insurance, 2020 CanLII 14418 (ON LAT)
In this case, the Applicant was the seat-belted driver of a vehicle that struck a median, spun out of control, struck another vehicle and came to rest after hitting the guardrail in July, 2010. The Applicant submitted an application for catastrophic determination, which was denied by the insurer…
Abdul-Hussein v. Zabel, 2024 ONSC 4035
Full Decision This Ottawa summary judgment decision again highlights that lack of expert evidence may be fatal to a medical malpractice case. Ms. Abdul-Hussein, the self-represented plaintiff in this matter, sued Dr. Werner Zabel, an ophthalmologist. Ms. Abdul-Hussein alleged he had performed a cataract surgery and laser capsulotomy negligently and failed to obtain her informed consent. She framed her claim as one of battery and …
Abdulwasi v Pietrantonio, 2017 ONSC 3608
After an action has been set down for trial, leave to conduct a further examination for discovery will be granted when there has been a “substantial or unexpected change in circumstances.” The plaintiff’s deterioration in health and subsequent surgery, if reasonable extensions of injuries present prior to setting the action down, will not satisfy this test.
Abou-Gabal v. Economical Insurance Company, 2024 CanLII 77423 (ON LAT)
Full Decision APPLICANT FOUND CATASTROPHICALLY IMPAIRED DESPITE COMPLEX PRIOR MEDICAL HISTORY – COLLISION NECESSARY CAUSE OF EXTREME IMPAIRMENT This LAT hearing arose from a motor vehicle collision (MVC) that took place in July 2018. It involved a preliminary issue on whether the applicant was barred from seeking catastrophic (CAT) impairment due to failure to attend a s. 44 insurer examination (IE) as required under s. …
Abreu v. Gingerich, 2020 ONSC 6797
This decision relates to a summary judgment motion, brought by the defendant. Justice Braid notes that if the matter is to be resolved by way of summary judgment
Abu-Hmaid v. Napar, 2016 ONSC 2894
This Master’s decision holds that a plaintiff must disclose the existence, but not particulars, of adverse costs protection at examination for discovery.
Abuajina v. Haval, 2015 ONSC 7938 (CanLII)
Summary judgment motions on the issue of liability are not appropriate where the credibility of witnesses are important, there is insufficient evidence on the record to evaluate credibility and a mini-trial is not appropriate in the circumstances of the case.
Abyan v. Sovereign General Insurance Company, FSCO A16-003657
The Minor Injury Guideline is Found Unconstitutional
Adatia v. Cassar, 2018 ONSC 4321 (CanLII)
This is a motion for summary judgment by the Defendant on liability in an action arising from a motor vehicle collision – the Court provides useful comments for cross-examinations on affidavits filed supporting the motion
Addy v. Goulet et al., 2023 ONSC 1265
This four-week virtual judge-alone trial involved a plaintiff who sustained a brain injury as a result of being struck in the head with a bocce ball while sitting on a patio at a local public house.
Aditi v. Doe, 2022 ONSC 4049
An example of inadmissible hearsay used to corroborate physical evidence or independent witness evidence requirements under an OPCF 44R Family Protection Endorsement.
Agha v. Munroe, 2022 ONSC 2508
In what might be the first case to address the new Rule 53.03, the Court made it clear that late filing of expert reports will no longer be tolerated.
Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia, 2022 ONSC 1303
This recent family law decision that has gained much attention, as it establishes the new common law tort of “family violence”.
Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia, 2023 ONCA 476
Ontario Court of Appeal refuses to recognize the tort of family violence.
Ahmed v. Aviva Insurance Company
In the recent case of Ahmed v. Aviva Insurance Company, Aviva Insurance Company proceeded with a motion to dismiss an application as abandoned, despite previous counsel’s death and the applicant’s personal barriers, and was found by Vice Chair Maedel to have acted in bad faith. In the result, the motion was dismissed and Aviva was ordered to pay costs to the applicant…
Ahmed v. Rowe, 2017 ONSC 2289
The Court dismisses the Defendants’ motion to strike the paragraphs in the amended Statement of Claim which assert a claim under the Fraudulent Conveyance Act.
Al-Kaysee v. Noyes
After Mediation the Defence lawyer took out a final Dismissal Order without the authorization of Plaintiff’s counsel and before settlement funds were received. All attempts to contact the Defence lawyer to demand an explanation were ignored.
Aleksa v. Henley, 2017 ONSC 1117
This decision arises from a motion to remove Counsel of Record, Brennan Kahler and Gary Will, for the minor Plaintiff due to conflict of interest as they had previously also represented his parents whom the Defendants had counterclaimed against.
Ali v. Gibbons 2017 ONSC 5013
Where the party to be examined resides outside of Ontario, the test for determining the location of the examination for discovery is what is just and convenient for all parties based on the circumstances of the case.
Ali v. Irfan, 2023 ONSC 3239
This case examines a loss of competitive advantage claim and the test to determine if a question should be put to the jury.
Ali v. Irfan, 2024 ONCA 758 (CanLII)
Full Decision In the recent case Ali v. Irfan, the Court of Appeal upheld the jury verdict rejecting a loss of competitive advantage claim as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle-bicycle collision. Background The action arose as a result of the plaintiff being struck by the defendant’s vehicle while she was riding her bicycle in Mississauga in 2015. The plaintiff was 29 …
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada v. Klimitz, 2015 ONCA 698
In this decision, the Court of Appeal upheld a Divisional Court’s reasoning regarding limitation periods for applying for FSCO mediation.
Anderson v. Confederation College, 2017 ONSC 5791
Review of the law on the interpretation of exclusion clauses.
Anjum et al. v. Doe et al., 2015 ONSC 5501 (S.C.J)
Released September 3, 2015 | Full Decision Judge orders summary judgment motion to proceed with viva voce evidence This was a personal injury claim arising from a car accident. The plaintiff suffered catastrophic injuries. He claimed that an unidentified vehicle caused the accident and fled the scene. He then sued his own insurance company for unidentified motorist coverage. The insurer announced its intention to bring a …
Anjum v. Doe, 2018 ONSC 4344
When a solicitor is discharged by the client, the solicitor is entitled to a charging order where the property was preserved or recovered while he or she was acting on the client’s behalf…
Anjum v. John Doe and State Farm, 2016 ONSC 7784 (CanLII)
This summary judgement motion concerned issues of witness credibility and the evidentiary requirements of proving entitlement to the OPCF-44R Family Protection Endorsement
Antczak v. Avakian, 2024 ONSC 1715
Full Decision On November 21, 2023, the plaintiffs brought a motion for an order striking the statement of defence due to the defendant’s failure to serve a sworn and complete affidavit of documents and to attend examination for discovery. Alternatively, the plaintiffs sought an order compelling the delivery of the affidavit of documents and the defendant’s attendance for examination. The defendant brought a cross-motion for …
Applicant v. Co-operators 2020 CanLII 30387
Further clarity about limitation periods in CAT cases….
Limitation period starts to run not from the date of CAT designation, but from the date benefits claimed for, based on that designation, are denied.
Aquatech Logistics et al. v. Lombard Insurance et al., 2015 ONSC 5858 (CanLII)
Released September 23, 2015 | Full Decision Justice Dunphy ordered that three insurance companies had the duty to defend. The Application was brought by Aquatech and one of its insurers, Aviva (provider of the automobile policy), against two of Aquatech’s liability insurers: Lombard – provided a $3 million Comprehensive General Liability Policy; ACE INA – provided a $1 million Pollution Incident Liability Insurance The purpose …
Arcari v. Dawson, 2016 ONCA 715
Plaintiff’s Appeal From Unsuccessful Motion To Add Defendants 6 Years After Collision Statute-Barred: A Review Of Limitation Periods
Arconti v. Smith 2020 ONSC 2782
The Legal Landscape Is Changing; Examination For Discovery Ordered To Proceed By Way Of Videoconference.
Armstrong v. Lakeridge Resort Ltd., 2017 ONSC 6565
Following a jury Trial in which the Plaintiff recovered $68,250 in damages, Justice Salmers ruled on the quantum of costs and disbursements to be paid by the Defendant. Specifically, the Court commented on whether the Plaintiffs’ disbursement in purchasing adverse costs insurance ought to be payable by the Defendant.
Armstrong v. Ward, 2021 SCC 1
In this case, the Plaintiff appealed the majority decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal and was granted leave in May 2020. The case was argued before the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) on January 18, 2021. The SCC released their decision from the bench on the day of argument, siding with the plaintiff and adopting the dissenting reasons of Justice van Rensburg.
Arruda and Western Assurance Company, FSCO A13-003926
Released July 7, 2015 | Full Decision This decision by Arbitrator Jeffrey Shapiro makes clear that a diagnosis of chronic pain syndrome can remove an insured from the Minor Injury Guideline (the “MIG”). The arbitration concerned a motor vehicle accident which occurred on May 5, 2012. The insured sustained soft tissue and psychological injuries and was placed in the MIG. After depleting the maximum funding …
Arsenovski v. Bodin, 2016 BCSC 359
In a recent decision out of British Columbia, the Court ordered a punitive damage award of $350,000 against ICBC. The decision of Arsenovski v. Bodin underscores the importance of an insurer’s responsibility to act in good faith when undertaking claim investigations. In Arsenovski, the Court found the insurer acted maliciously and negligently in its investigation. The case reinforces the fact that insurers should reassess their position in response to new information and evidence to ensure they are acting reasonably and in good faith to their insureds.
Arunasalam v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, 2015 ONSC 5235
Released August 20, 2015 | CanLII This Superior Court decision involved a motion brought by a defendant for an order requiring the plaintiff to attend defence orthopaedic and psychiatric examinations. The plaintiff was involved in two motor vehicle accidents in 2006 and 2009. The pleadings and the available medical evidence indicated that the plaintiff’s physical and psychological impairments were matters at issue in the proceeding. …
Aubin v. Soloway Jewish Community Centre – Court File No. 16-71050
This six-week jury trial involved a plaintiff who sustained a mild traumatic head injury after a fall down stairs at the defendant’s premises.
Austin Benson v. Belair Insurance Co. Inc., 2018 ONSC 2297 (CanLII)
In this Divisional Court decision, a three-judge panel considered whether the applicant was entitled to Statutory Accident Benefits after being involved in an ATV accident while in British Columbia (“BC”).
Aviva Canada Inc. v. Sidhu, 2018 ONSC 6506 (CanLII)
The Divisional Court affirms a declaration that the insurer’s denial of IRBs was defective (18 years later) and therefore the limitation period had not been triggered.
Aviva General Insurance Company v. Catic, 2022 ONSC 6000
An interpretation of section 38 of the SABS, and whether costs must be incurred for an insurer to become entitled to the treatment plan upon an insurer’s failure to give timely notice of a denial.
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. Danay Suarez, 2021 ONSC 6200
The Divisional Court decision of Aviva v. Suarez is a recent SABS decision that has important ramifications for the public pertaining to the access to injury victims of benefits provided for in the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule…
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. J.A., 2021 ONSC 3185 (Div. Ct.)
In this case, the Respondent, J.A. was injured in a motor vehicle accident in February 2005. He applied for accident benefits through his insurer, Aviva. In 2015, around the time when his medical rehabilitation benefits were expiring, he applied for catastrophic impairment determination. Although Aviva found there was insufficient medical documentation, it nonetheless conducted its CAT assessments which later found he was not catastrophically impaired…
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. McKeown, 2016 ONSC 6017 (CanLII)
SABS insurers must provide a specific reason for an EUO request before being entitled to it.
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. McKeown, 2017 ONCA 563
The Court of Appeal held that Section 33(4)3 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule does not require an insurer to give a specific reason for requesting an Examination under Oath of the claimant.
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. McKeown, 2017 ONCA 563 (CanLII)
This appeal concerned the nature of the notice an insurer must give to examine an applicant for accident benefits under oath. Section 33 (2) says the applicant “shall” submit to an examination under oath if requested. Section 33 (4) (3) requires an insurer to give the applicant advance notice of the “reason” for the examination. Relying on the latter, some applicants demanded their insurer provide reasons in the sense of a justification that they attend an examination under oath.
Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Co v. Wright, 2016 ONCA 789
This was an appeal of a preliminary issue application commenced by the insurer to determine if the applicant was entitled to accident benefits under the SABS. The question before the court was whether s.279 of the Insurance Act could be circumvented in this manner.
Azzeh v. Legendre, 2017 ONCA 385
Court of Appeal provides refresher with respect to limitation periods and municipal notice periods in cases dealing with minors.
Babcock v. Destefano, 2016 ONSC 5352
Defendant’s Motion for DMEs Dismissed, while also Chastised for Not Taking Pre-Trial Preparations Seriously
Babjak v. Karas, 2018 ONSC 2093 (CanLII)
The defendant successfully brought a motion for summary judgment on the basis of the limitation period in this action over a radial keratomy eye procedure resulting in vision problems.
Badesha v. Haider, 2017 ONSC 1745
This refusals motion concerned a plaintiff’s request for the statutory third party’s file contents, including the defendant’s first statement to his liability insurer and all correspondence between the defendant and his liability insurer. TD, the statutory third party (when the motion was heard), refused production on the basis of litigation privilege. The plaintiff’s motion was defeated.
Baglot v. Fourie, [2019] BCSC 122
The defendant admits prescription error but denies that Toradol received by plaintiff caused an ulcer, repeat intestinal bleeding and chronic pain. There is no other change in the plaintiff’s life to explain sudden decline. By causal inference, judge finds defendant caused injury to plaintiff.
Baines v. Abounaja, 2023 ONSC 2078
Pointing fingers to a non-party an unsuccessful strategy in this important medical malpractice and MVA intersectional case
Baker v. Blue Cross Life Insurance Company of Canada, 2023 ONCA 842
Court of Appeal Upholds $1.5 Million Punitive Damages Award and Full Indemnity Costs in LTD Jury Trial Appeal
Baker v. Blue Cross, 2023 ONSC 1891
In this case, the plaintiff is awarded full indemnity costs after an LTD jury trial.
Bakir and Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company (FSCO A12-002657)
Honest belief of valid insurance found despite cash and barter deal; lay witness testimony sufficient to show proof of economic loss.
Baltadjian v. Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Alexandria, 2017 ONSC 61
The Occupiers’ Liability Act does not create a standard of perfection or presumption of negligence against occupiers whenever individuals are injured on their premises. Rather, a plaintiff must be able to point to some act, or failure to act, on the part of the occupier which caused or contributed to his or her injury before liability will be established.
Baradaran v. Alexanian 2016 ONCA 533
The Court of Appeal confirmed that it is inappropriate to treat a motion to strike portions of a Statement of Claim as a summary judgment motion by examining evidence on the merits of the action.
Barker v. Barker, 2017 ONSC 3397 (CanLII)
On the defendant’s summary judgment motion over the limitation period in this class action the plaintiff was granted partial judgment for breach of fiduciary duty.
Barkey v. Aviva, 2024 ONSC 2249 (CanLII)
Full Decision This case reinforces the stringent threshold for dismissing a claim via a summary judgment motion, emphasizing that the Court rigorously evaluates whether there is a genuine issue warranting a trial based on the strength of the evidence presented in the motion materials. Particularly in cases involving unidentified drivers, this decision highlights the critical role of medical evidence in successfully contesting a motion for …
Baron v. Clark, 2017 ONSC 738 (CanLII)
Despite serving the co-defendant to the point of intoxication and breaching their obligations under the Liquor License Act, the Court found no liability on the part of the bar for damages sustained by the Plaintiff in an assault and battery.
Barry v. His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario, 2023 ONSC 4299
This occupiers’ liability case highlights the importance of meeting the 10-day statutory notice requirements in proceedings against the Crown
Basandra v. Sforza, 2016 ONCA 251(CanLII)
Appeal of a judge’s decision to reduce the jury’s awards pursuant to s. 267.8 in the absence of clear evidence of quantum.
Batoor v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, FSCO A13-007600
This is a preliminary issue hearing as to whether the applicant, Hiwad, should be excluded by section 31(1)(a)(i) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule from claiming certain accident benefits as a result of operating an uninsured automobile.
Battison v. Microsoft Canada Inc., 2021 ONSC 1341
In this case, refusal to provide ‘costs estimate’ with R 49 Offer to Settle, disentitled Plaintiff to Substantive Costs Award post-trial-victory…
Beaudin v. Travelers Insurance Company of Canada, 2022 ONCA 806
Beaudoin Estate v. Campbellford Memorial Hospital, 2021 ONCA 57
In this case, the Ontario Court of Appeal reversed the motion judge’s dismissal of the Plaintiffs’ medical negligence claims…
Belanger v. Sudbury (Regional Municipality), 2017 ONCA 428
The Court of Appeal has upheld a trial judge’s decision finding the City of Sudbury negligent for failure to properly maintain a roadway during inclement winter conditions. Cities (and by extension winter maintenance contractors) are expected to respond to the potential of ice forming on roadways even while maintenance is underway. Even in the face of a roadway being cleared just prior to an accident a City may be found to have breached the standard of care in discharging a City’s obligation to maintain the roadway in good repair.
Belton v. Spencer, 2020 ONCA 623
In this case, the Appellant is a Defendant in a personal injury action in which the Plaintiff seeks damages for injuries suffered when kicked by a horse in May 2010.
Belton v. Spencer, 2020 ONSC 5327
In this case, Justice Sheard recently struck a jury notice for an upcoming trial in Hamilton.
Ben Yehudaiff vs. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, 2019 ONLAT 18- 001537/AABS
On January 17, 2017, the applicant drove to a hospital, parked his car, and exited the vehicle. As he was walking from his car, he slipped on ice in the parking lot.
Benhaim v. St-Germain, 2016 SCC 48
In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court of Canada held that a trial judge is not required by law to draw an adverse inference against physicians whose negligence makes it impossible to prove causation and where the plaintiff adduces at least some evidence of causation. Trial judges are permitted to draw such inferences, but are not required to do so.
Benson v. Belair Insurance Company Inc., 2019 ONCA 840
Both Benson and Perneroski applied for accident benefits. Both insurers denied coverage on the basis that the vehicles were not “automobiles”.
Bernier v. Ottawa (Ville), 2024 ONSC 6725 (CanLII)
Full Decision Bernier v. Ottawa (Ville),2024 ONSC 6725 (CanLII) is a recent waiver liability case which clarifies the interpretation and enforceability of waivers purporting to waive negligence and the importance of the context and circumstances in which a waiver was signed. The defendants, and third party in the action, collectively brought a summary judgment motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ action. In 2018, Ms. Bernier suffered …
Bhatt v William Beasley Enterprises Limited, 2015 ONSC 4941 (CanLII)
Released August 10, 2015 | CanLII This is a brief decision addressing whether counsel must produce dockets when the issue of costs is being considered after a trial. This issue arose after the Plaintiffs were successful at trial and awarded $305,000.00 for damages, inclusive of interest. The damages award was more than double the amount of the Defendant’s formal Offer to Settle. This was a judge alone …
Bhatt v. William Beasley Enterprises Limited, 2015 ONSC 2168
Released June 12, 2015 | CanLII This is a judge alone trial decision. The trial proceeded before Mr. Justice Faieta in March 2015. The minor Plaintiff was injured while boarding a ride with his father at the Centreville Amusement Park. The Defendant advanced the argument that there was contributory negligence on both the minor Plaintiff and his father in part because he had a pre-existing …
Bimman v. Igor Ellyn Professional Corporation (Ellyn Law), 2022 ONCA 781
This recent Court of Appeal (ONCA) decision serves as a great reminder that retainer agreements should be carefully drafted to reflect the true nature of the solicitor-client relationship and that they should be adapted to account for all foreseeable outcomes.
Bishop-Gittens v. Lim, 2016 ONSC 2887
Superior Court Threshold Motion in which the plaintiff established that their impairments (including chronic pain disorder) constituted permanent serious impairment of important physical, mental or psychological function as a result of a motor vehicle collision
Bishop-Gittens v. Lim, CV-11-00107056-0000
In considering the issue of costs, factors taken into account include: 1) the rates charged and the hours spent by the plaintiff’s counsel; 2) the amount claimed and the amount recovered by the plaintiff; 3) the complexity of the proceeding and the importance of the issues; 4) the conduct of any party that tended to shorten or lengthen the proceeding; 5) whether the action should have been brought under the simplified rules pursuant to Rule 76; and 6) the reasonableness of the costs.
Blackburn et al v. Ardalani et al, 2022 ONSC 5840
This decision provides a helpful overview of the settlement approval process and the factors that judges take into consideration when evaluating proposed settlements.
Bonaccorso v. Optimum, 2016 ONCA 34
A Temporary Return to Work Does Not Extend Two Year Limitation Period Triggered by Denial of Income Replacement Benefits
Bonilla v. Great-West Life Assurance Co. et al, 2016 ONSC 2249 (CanLII)
Additional reasons on costs following successful summary judgment motion by second defendant, CIBC. CIBC argued for substantial indemnity on basis of Offers to Settle.
Boone v. O’Kelly, 2020 ONSC 6932
In this case, the defence expert’s evidence was excluded entirely. The evidence was biased and unreliable from the beginning and was, therefore, inadmissible…
Bosnali v. Michaud, 2019 ONSC 280
On the motion, the Plaintiff’s lawyer sought a charging order against monies awarded to the Plaintiff as a first priority ahead of any amounts entitled to the Defendants by way of set-off, where significant costs were awarded to the Defendants based on Rule 49 offers made before trial
Bosnali v. Michaud, 2020 ONCA 7
A recent decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal on the issue of whether or not the Plaintiff’s lawyers were entitled to a “charging order” over the Plaintiff’s damages and costs following a trial where the Plaintiff did not beat a rule 49 offer from the Defendants.
Bourassa v Temiskaming Shores (City), 2016 ONSC 1211
Summary Judgment for Failure to Give Notice under s. 44(10) of Municipal Act
Boustany v. Singh, 2021 ONSC 3140 (CanLII)
In a recent Ontario Superior Court decision, Boustany v. Singh, Justice Gibson explored the initial duty of care element in the law of negligence within the context of a Rule 21.01(1) motion…
Bradfield v. Royal Sun Alliance Insurance, 2019 ONCA 800
In this case, the Court of Appeal of Ontario reviewed the doctrines of waiver and promissory estoppel in the context of an insurer’s right to deny coverage following the discovery that their insured had been consuming alcohol prior to a motor vehicle accident…
Brake v. PJ-M2R Restaurant Inc., 2017 ONCA 402
Revision of the Traditional Deductions in Calculating Quantum of Damages
Brophy v. Harrison, 2019 ONSC 4377
Throughout the course of the litigation, the Defendants did not make any offers to settle. There was not even an offer for a dismissal without costs.
Brown v. Baum, 2016 ONCA 325
The Ontario Court of Appeal held that, in circumstances where the plaintiff’s doctor continued to treat the plaintiff and engage in good faith efforts to remediate damage, the plaintiff did not know that it was appropriate to start an action against the doctor until after the last surgery proved unsuccessful.
Bruff-Murphy v. Gunawardena, 2016 ONSC 7
This decision concerns a threshold motion following final instructions to the jury for an order striking the plaintiff’s claim for general damages on the basis that she failed to prove she suffered permanent and serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function pursuant to s. 267.5 of the Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter I.8, as amended, including Ontario Regulation 381/03, made therunder. The motion was defeated.
Bruff-Murphy v. Gunawardena, 2017 ONCA 502
The Court of Appeal orders a new trial after finding the trial judge failed his gatekeeper duties in allowing Dr. Monte Bail’s testimony.
Bukshtynov v. McMaster University, 2018 ONCA 1006.
Full Decision (PDF) Counsel: Bonnie Roberts Jones (Appellants – Responding Parties) Alexander B. Paul and Kaleigh Soneshine (Respondent – Moving Party) Bradley M. Remigis (Respondents – Moving Parties) Judge: Huscroft J.A. Recent decision on motions for security for costs. The Appellant fell while jogging on an indoor running track at McMaster University. He fell after colliding with a member of one of McMaster University’s running …
Burnham v. Co-operators General Insurance Company, 2023 ONCA 384
This case examines the Ontario Automobile Policy pertaining to passengers in a stolen vehicle.
Bustamante v. The Guarantee Company of North America, 2015 ONCA 530 (CanLII)
Released July 13, 2015 | CanLII This is an appeal by the Plaintiff from the judgment of Ramsay J., granting summary judgment and dismissing the Plaintiff’s claim for non-earner benefits (“NEBs”) as time-barred. At the time of the accident on June 3, 2004, the Plaintiff was a hairdresser. She elected income replacement benefits (“IRBs”), although her disability certificate indicated that she was entitled to both IRBs …
Bustin v. Quaranto, 2023 ONSC 5732
This case involves a plaintiff who claimed personal injury damages after witnessing a very serious collision and its aftermath. The plaintiff happened to stand outside his aunt’s home when two cars collided and he
Butera v. Chown, Cairns LLP, 2017 ONCA 783, 137 OR (3d) 561.
The Appellants sued the Respondents (their former solicitors) for missing the two-year limitation period, and failing to plead that the six-year limitation period applied. Among other things, the Appellants ….
Butler v. Royal Victoria Hospital, 2017 ONSC 2792
Nurses found liable for injuries to child suffered at birth – $5.2 million dollars awarded
Buttenham v. Northbridge General Insurance Company, 2024 LAT File No. 23-008795
Summary prepared for OTLA by Corina Bachmann of Bachmann Personal Injury Law Full Decision This case addresses the issue of what is a “reasonable explanation” for submitting the OCF-1 outside the timeline mandated by the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). The applicant, Ms. Buttenham, was involved in a motor vehicle collision on May 29, 2018. She advised her insurer of the collision the following day, …
C.B. v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada
Insurer Examiner’s evidence found inadmissible due to insurer’s non-compliance with Section 44 of the SABS.
C.O. v. Williamson, 2020 ONSC 3874
In this case, Justice Salmers found a school board vicariously liable for historical sexual abuse of a student by her teacher and ordered both defendants to pay more than $500,000 in damages. This is an important decision as it imposes liability for the abuse on the school board in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the school board.
Cadieux v. Cloutier, 2018 ONCA 903
Apples can now be deducted from oranges. Date Heard May 1-2, 2018 Since the start of no-fault auto insurance benefits in Ontario, tort defendants were entitled to deduct collateral benefits the plaintiff received before the tort trial and obtain an assignment for future no-fault benefits that are the same as the damages awarded. The principle is that an injured plaintiff should not receive double recovery …
Campbell v. Bruce (County), 2016 ONCA 371
The Court of Appeal upheld the trial decision of Justice M.A Garson. The County of Bruce (Bruce) as occupier, was liable for the Plaintiff’s injuries for failing to take reasonable care. No damages were dealt with at trial.
Campisi v Ontario, 2017 ONSC 2884
Dismissal of constitutional Challenge to the LAT and restrictions on pre-trial MVA income loss.
Capelet v. Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited, 2018 ONCA 742 (CanLII)
The Appellant purchased a home from the Respondent. Due to a faulty design, the home leaked, and mould formed. The Appellant sued the Respondent for psychological and emotional injuries. Following a motion for summary judgment, the Appellant’s action was dismissed.
Caplan v. Atas, 2021 ONSC 670
The Tort of Internet Harassment
Cardenas v. Toronto (City), 2017 ONCA 237
Defendant brought Third Party claim against home owner, but failed to serve the Third Part Claim. Defendant’s motion to validate service was dismissed. Court was not satisfied that statement of claim came to third party’s attention. Motion judge found personal service was important because third party’s potential liability far exceeded limits of her policy. Defendant appealed and this appeal was dismissed as the interests of justice did not require dispensing with service.
Carioca’s Import & Export Inc. v. Canadian Pacific Railway Limited 2015 ONCA 592 (CanLII)
Released September 2, 2015 | CanLII In August 2006, a fire spread from land owned by the respondent, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. (“CPR”), to land owned by the applicant, Carioca’s Import & Export (“Carioca”). Carioca alleged that the fire spread due to CPR’s negligence and claimed against CPR for the alleged damage that it caused. In June 2009, Carioca set the action down for trial, and …
Carr v. Modi, 2016 ONSC 7255
PJI Amendment is Not Retroactive and Costs Incurred Pursuing ABs May be Paid by Tort Defendant
Carter v. AVIVA Insurance Company of Canada, 2021 ONLAT 19-012446/AABS-M
In this case, the Plaintiff was injured in a motor vehicle collision on August 16, 2018. He applied to AVIVA for Statutory Accident Benefits including income replacement benefits. AVIVA denied IRB’s in April of 2019 after the Plaintiff completed a multidisciplinary suite of insurer examinations required by AVIVA…
Cassidy v. Belleville (Police Service), 2015 ONCA 794
Waiting for an investigation to be completed does not extend the limitation period
Castronovo v. Sunnybrook & Women’s College Health Sciences, 2016 ONSC 6275 (CanLII)
An extension of time to amend a pleading will not always be granted, especially if it will cause undue delay.
Chambers v. Cobb, 2015 ONSC 5313
Released August 24, 2015 | CanLII This Superior Court decision involves two summary judgment motions brought by two defendants to dismiss the action against them on the basis of liability. The action arose from injuries the plaintiff sustained to his left ankle while operating a tractor on a steep embankment of a cottage property. While the plaintiff was moving rocks on the property, the tractor flipped …
Champoux v. Jefremova and Khodabandehloo, 2021 ONCA 92
In this case, the Court of Appeal found that the trial judge’s reasons for dismissing the claim were insufficient, did not permit proper appellate review and sent the matter back for retrial. The Court of Appeal also gave important reasons on the defendant’s attempt to withdrawal an admission made in a Request to Admit.
Champoux v. Jefremova et al [2019] ONSC 1819 (CanLII)
Defendant physician brought a motion post-trial to withdraw an admission made in response to the Plaintiff’s Request to Admit when it became apparent at trial that it was inconsistent with her expert’s opinion.
Charbonneau v. Intact Insurance Company, 2018 ONSC 5660 (CanLII)
Court of Appeal confirms “car surfing” is within the ordinary and well known uses of a vehicle giving rise to accident benefits coverage.
Charlebois v. SSQ Life Insurance Co., 2015 ONSC 6231
Costs on a Motion – Allegations that impugn the professional integrity of opposing counsel and are unproven warrant a punitive award of costs and will result in an award on the substantial indemnity scale.
Charlebois v. SSQ Life Insurance Company, 2015 ONSC 2568
Released May 29, 2015 | CanLII This was an appeal of an order dismissing SSQ’s motion to remove plaintiff’s counsel in a disability claim against SSQ. The motion was brought by SSQ after it learned that plaintiff’s counsel had retained two medical experts who had been consulted by SSQ regarding the plaintiff’s treatment needs prior to litigation. SSQ argued that the two experts, an occupational …
Cheesman et al., v. Credit Valley Hospital et al., [2019] ONSC 5783
This motion considered the admissibility of a defendant ER physician’s standard of care report that was served mid-trial after a preliminary finding was made regarding the scope of the expert’s opinion in relation to his area of practice.
Chernet v. RBC General Insurance Company, 2017 ONCA 337
The Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal granting summary judgement against a plaintiff for damages arising from a rear-end motor vehicle accident.
Cheung v. Samra, 2018 ONSC 3480
Jury’s answer on causation insufficient according to Justice Wilson. New trial ordered.
Cheung v. Samra, 2022 ONCA 195
In this case, the plaintiff was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) before birth, and her condition continued to worsen in the weeks prior to her delivery. While she was not suffering notable impairments when she was discharged, two months later she was revealed to have suffered severe brain damage…
Chiocchio v. Ellis, 2016 ONSC 7570
Municipality found partially liable for motor vehicle accident resulting in quadriplegia
Choma v. City of Toronto, 2016 ONSC 5510
Given a proper evidentiary record, a Court may draw reasonable inferences and grant summary judgment in favor of a party who is seeking to prove that, on the balance of probabilities, an event is unlikely to have occurred, so long as the party can show that it exercised due diligence and that a trial would not change anything in that regard or show different evidence.
Cioffi v. Modelevich et. al., 2018 ONSC 7084
Justice Spies for the Ontario Superior Court of Justice found that an insurer is required to pay the full cost of mediation when a plaintiff requests a mediation under s. 258.6(1) of the Insurance Act.
Clarke v. Argosy Securities, 14-62625 (ONSC)
Settlement approval motion rejected due to claims not being fully delineated in motion materials
Clarke v. Faust, 2016 ONCA 223 (CanLII)
Solicitor’s Negligence Action not statute barred as a result of discoverability.
Clarke v. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2020 ONCA 11
Clarke v. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is an appeal decision following a summary judgment motion on the issue of whether or not the plaintiff sued her Long-Term Disability (LTD) carrier within the limitation period.
Clatney v. Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodski LLP, 2016 ONCA 377
In special circumstances, the Court of Appeal has jurisdiction to reopen contingency fee agreements that have been paid and order an assessment to be conducted to ensure public confidence in the administration of justice.
Co-operators General Insurance Company v. Doobay, 2017 ONSC 5804 (CanLII)
The cooling off period applies for accident benefit settlements in litigation if settlement disclosure notice forms part of the written release.
Co-operators Insurance Company v. Bennett, 2024 ONSC 467
Full Decision In Co-operators Insurance Company v. Bennett, 2024 ONSC 467, the applicant, Ms. Bennett, was involved in a car crash. She applied for accident benefits through her auto insurer, Co-operators. Co-operators determined that she suffered a “minor injury” as defined by the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”) and placed her in the Minor Injury Guideline (“MIG” or “Guideline”). In the MIG, Ms. Bennett’s med/rehab …
Coachman Insurance Co v. Kraft, 2017 ONSC 1875
Duty of insurer to defend or indemnify
Coban v. Allstate Insurance, 2023 CanLII 40118 (ON LAT)
The applicant was involved in a motor vehicle collision on October 6, 2018. He was deemed catastrophically impaired due to being rendered a paraplegic as a result of the collision.
Coban v. Declare, 2020 ONSC 5580
In this case, the plaintiffs brought a motion to strike the jury notice and the defendants brought a cross-motion to adjourn the trial because the pandemic has interfered with their ability to obtain responding medical reports…
Cobb v. Long Estate, 2015 ONSC 6799
Released November 13, 2015 | Full Decision [CanLII] Note: not yet available on CanLII There are 3 good reasons to do careful mathematics before resolving a case, drafting an offer to settle or going to trial: deduction of collateral benefits; the statutory deductible for General and FLA damages; and the applicable pre-judgment interest rate. In Cobb, a $220,000 jury verdict, broken down below, was virtually …
Cobb v. Long Estate, 2017 ONCA 717 & El-Khodr v. Lackie 2017 ONCA 716
Amendment to PJI Rates & SABS Calculations Applicable to 3rd Party Claims. These companion Judgments are appeals dealing with, among other issues, pre-judgment interest and SAB claw-back’s in 3rd party claims
Cooper v. Beaudoin, 2023 ONSC 6543
This Ottawa occupiers’ liability case was a bifurcated trial with the issue of liability heard first. While the analysis is largely fact driven, Cooper provides a helpful analysis of occupiers’ liability law and a thorough review of the judge’s findings of fact.
Corbett et al v. Odorico, 2016 ONSC 1964 (CanLII)
Damages assessment, following jury verdict, in which the new statutory deductible was considered. Also provides commentary on threshold and Chronic Pain.
Corbett v. Odorico, 2016 ONSC 2961
Superior Court Motion for costs of trial by successful plaintiff. The sought costs exceeded the award recovered at trial. The court decides that over-emphasis on proportionality may serve to under-compensate a litigant for costs legitimately incurred
Cormack v Chalmers, 2015 ONSC 5564
Released September 8, 2015 | Full Decision This case involved a plaintiff who was badly injured when she was struck by a motor boat while swimming near a harbour entrance. She had been staying at a cottage owned by defendants Shannon Pitt and Erik Rubadeau (“Pitt defendants”) at the time. She brought claims against Benjamin Chalmers in his capacity as driver of the motor boat and …
Cormack v Chalmers, 2015 ONSC 5599
Released September 8, 2015 | Full Decision Following jury selection and prior to the commencement of trial, counsel sought a ruling concerning the legal effect of the Apology Act. The plaintiff was badly injured when she was struck by a motor boat while she was swimming in close proximity to a harbour entrance. At the time the plaintiff went swimming, she was a guest of the …
Cormack-Terrelonge v. Fahmy Estate, 2018 ONSC 3925 (CanLII)
Production of prior discovery transcripts where there may be overlapping injuries.
Courneyea v. Mazzuca, 2019 ONSC 2105
Plaintiff ordered to re-attend examination for discovery after court finds substantial deterioration in his behavioural and psychological condition.
Coutinho v. Ocular Health Centre Ltd., 2021 ONSC 3076
n a much-anticipated employment law ruling, the Superior Court has found that employees temporarily laid off because of the COVID pandemic can bring civil action for constructive dismissal…
Cowley v. Skyjack Inc. et al, 2021 ONSC 1303 (CanLII)
In this case, an Ottawa judge recently applied the Ontario Court of Appeal’s analysis in Louis v. Poitras, 2021 ONCA 49 to strike the jury notices filed. While the procedural history in this case is unique, the motion turned on a relatively straightforward analysis that confirms the prejudicial effect of delay…
Craven v. Osidacz Estate, 2017 ONSC 1757
Damages for Wrongful Death Quantified
Crete v. Ottawa Community Housing Corporation, 2024 ONCA 459
The recent Court of Appeal decision in Crete v. Ottawa Community Housing Corporation confirmed that the landlord was not liable for damages caused by a slip and fall on ice in a townhouse complex in an area used exclusively by individual tenants, where the lease required the tenant to clear snow and ice.
Crompton v. City of Toronto, 2016 ONSC 3823 (CanLII)
The costs fallout of an abandoned summary judgment motion
Cueto et al. v. De Los Reyes
In this case, the plaintiffs brought a motion seeking leave of the court to strike the defendants’ jury notice. This action arises out of a motor vehicle accident that occurred on January 14, 2015. The action was set down for trial in September 2018.
Cuming v. Toronto, 2019 ONSC 1720
This case revolved around an accident involving the Plaintiff, Susan Cuming, which occurred on November 4, 2008 while she was riding her bicycle…
Cyples v. Intact Insurance Company, 2025 CanLII 3778 (ON LAT)
Full Decision In the recent decision of Cyples v. Intact, the LAT clarified the test to be met for a catastrophic impairment (CAT) finding under criterion 8, as defined in s. 3.1(1)8 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). The case involved a motor vehicle collision that occurred on October 30, 2016, and a subsequent dispute as to whether the Applicant was CAT or not. Whereas …
D.E. v. Unifund Assurance Company, 2014 ONSC 5243
Related: Unifund Assurance Company v. D.E., 2015 ONCA 423 Released September 11, 2014 | CanLII This was an application for a declaration that Unifund Assurance Company (“Unifund”) had a duty to defend and indemnify the applicants under a homeowner’s property insurance policy. The applicants were a married couple who lived with their minor daughter in Toronto. The daughter and parents were all sued as defendants in a lawsuit …
D.S. v. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, 16-000131-AABS
LAT deems spinal cord injury caused by parked car to be an “accident” for purposes of SABS.
D’Eon v. Hosseini, 2022 ONSC 4397
An example of the plaintiff advancing a significant damages claim after sustaining mild traumatic injuries.
Da Silva v. Gomes, 2018 ONCA 610 (CanLII)
Soccer player punched during recreational game. The Court of Appeal upholds lower court summary judgment dismissing claim against soccer team, league, coach and others
Dabor et al. v. Southbram Holdings Limited et al. (CV-11-417735)
This verdict serves as a warning to owners and occupiers of properties that they must ensure they have the right person to do the job and that their premises must be safe for the work intended to be performed.
Daggitt v. Campbell, 2016 ONSC 2742
This decision opens the door, albeit in obiter, to precluding experts with prior judicial findings of bias from conducting defence medical examinations and giving evidence at trial.
Dale Cox and Aviva Canada Inc., FSCO A13-012588
Released July 3, 2015 | Full Decision The Applicant was riding his bicycle in Burlington, Ontario, when an unidentified vehicle struck either him or his bike and he fell to the ground. The vehicle did not stop and there were no known witnesses. The Applicant’s bicycle was damaged to the point that he could not ride it home. The damage was seen by his wife and his brother-in-law. …
Dale v. Frank et al, 2017 ONCA 32
A plaintiff need not know that a defendant’s act or omission was culpable in order for the loss it causes to be discovered.
Dams v. TD Home and Auto Insurance Company, 2016 ONCA 4
This decision concerns the relief from forfeiture provisions at ss. 129 of the Insurance Act and 98 of the Courts of Justice Act. The provisions were invoked because the plaintiff, who was involved in a motor vehicle accident with an unidentified driver, failed to comply with the reporting requirements in s. 3 of the Schedule attached to the Uninsured Automobile Coverage regulation under the Insurance Act (the “Schedule)”.
David Schnarr v. Blue Mountain Resorts Limited, 2017 ONSC 114 (CanLII)
Superior Court Judge invalidates waiver on the basis of violation of the Consumer Protection Act
Davies v. Clarington, 2019 ONSC 2292 (CanLII)
In this case, the court analyzed whether interest on litigation loans should be a payable disbursement and also outlined several key principles to the assessment of costs…
Davies v. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 2021 ONSC 6449
The court dealt with whether the plaintiff could recover as a disbursement the interest on litigation loans.
Davis v. Aviva Canada Inc, 2017 ONSC 6173
Injuries sustained while maintaining vehicle may be an “accident” within the meaning of the SABS.
Davis v. East Side Mario’s Barrie, 2018 ONCA 410 (CanLII)
Added Pleas Constitute a New Cause of Action and are Limitation-Barred
Davis v. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, 2015 ONSC 6624
Summary Judgment Motion – Changes to the attendant care benefit that came into force on February 1, 2014 only apply to accidents on or after February 1, 2014.
DC v. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, 2023 CanLII 77319 (ON LAT)
The applicant in this case, DC, was involved in a motor vehicle collision on September 20, 2019. DC was 12 years old at the time. As a result of the collision, DC suffered a traumatic brain injury resulting in catastrophic impairment. The dispute before the LAT was whether the respondent, TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, was required to pay DC a non-earner benefit. At the time of the LAT hearing, DC was 15 years old.
Denis v. Lalonde, 2016 ONSC 5960
This was a motion by the Plaintiff to compel productions and attendance at examinations for discovery of an insurance broker after the matter had been set down for trial in which conflicting authorities were reviewed.
Denis v. Lalonde, 2016 ONSC 5960
Clarification of test for granting leave after trial record filed under rule 48
Denman v. Radovanovic, 2024 ONCA 276
In Denman v. Radovanovic, the Ontario Court of Appeal unanimously upheld the trial judge’s decision to find all three defendant physicians liable for failing to obtain Mr. Denman’s informed consent to an elective and multi-step plan of medical intervention to cure Mr. Denman’s brain arteriovenous malformation (“AVM”). This summary will focus on five key takeaways from the Court of Appeal’s decision, written by Rouleau J.A.
Derenzis v. Gore Mutual Insurance Company, 2023 CanLII 58532 (ON LAT)
The Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) decision of Derenzis v. Gore Mutual Insurance Company, September 18, 2023 (unreported) raises the question of whether the Tribunal has jurisdiction to grant a civil remedy, in particular injunctive relief, and whether adjudicative privilege and deliberative secrecy attach to certain documents internally produced at the LAT. Applicant’s counsel filed affidavit evidence of a whistle blower from the LAT that addressed institutional issues of alleged bias and adjudicative interference.
Desrochers v. McGinnis, 2024 ONCA 63
The plaintiff, Megan Desrochers, suffered a severe injury when the ATV she was driving left the unpaved road she was on and struck a tree.
At the time, Megan was dating Patrick McGinnis. Patrick’s parents owned a farm near the collision site. Patrick’s father, Grant McGinnis, owned the ATV and kept it at his farm.
Dhawan v Wehbe, 2015 ONSC 6104 (CanLII)
Released October 15, 2015 | CanLII This motion concerns a plaintiff’s efforts to set aside an administrative dismissal order dated November 26, 2014 to permit reinstatement of the proceeding and to extend time to set the action down for trial. The action was commenced in 2008 and at the time of the motion, the plaintiff’s counsel missed deadlines to set it down. The defendant consented …
Dimopoulos v. Mustafa et al, 2016 ONSC 429
Threshold motion which considered competing Orthopedic expert reports. Court preferred more extensive, functional approach to impairment used by Plaintiff’s expert.
Ding et al v. John Doe et al, 2016 ONSC 1690 (CanLII)
Summary judgment was granted dismissing the Plaintiff’s action pursuant to the unidentified driver provisions of the Plaintiff’s policy.
Dittmann v. Aviva Insurance Company of Canada, 2016 ONSC 6429
Spilling hot coffee in a drive-through is an “accident” under s.3(1) of the SABS Released October 24, 2017 | Full Decision [CanLII] The Plaintiff spilled hot coffee on her lap while in McDonald’s drive-through. Her car was in gear at the time, but not moving. There was no other vehicle involved in the spill. She was wearing her seatbelt and could not take evasive action …
Doe v. Sun Media et al, 2015 ONSC 4239 (CanLII)
Released July 2, 2015 | CanLII This lawsuit was commenced in relation to the violation of a publication ban by the defendant, Sun Media Corporation, after a long and complex criminal proceeding involving Gregory Last, accused of various offences including sexual assault. Briefly, the accused was convicted in 2005, lost on appeal, but had his convictions set aside by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2009. The …
Doobay v. Fu, 2020 ONSC 1774 (CanLII)
The Plaintiff, Carmen Doobay, presented at hospital with, what she alleged, were signs and symptoms of a stroke. She claimed that the treating emergency professionals, a nurse and a physician, failed to recognize those signs and symptoms…
Dube v. RBC Life Insurance Company, 2015 ONCA 641
Released September 21, 2015 | Decision Dube permitted relief from forfeiture for a disabled employee who failed to give proof of claim within the 90-day period under his employer’s group policy. The Court of Appeal provides a victim-friendly analysis under the relief from forfeiture test. In Dube, the Plaintiff was injured in an accident in May 2010. His employer advised him that he was ineligible …
Duncan v Taylor, 2015 ONSC 7186
In this MVA summary judgment motion, the court found that the plaintiff’s conviction of “failure to yield” under the Highway Traffic Act did not resolve the issues of liability in the civil action.
Dunk v. Kremer, 2017 ONSC 1547
This is a Costs Hearing subsequent to the Judgment by Healey J., with respect to a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim with a particular focus on SABS deductibility Released March 7, 2017 | Full decision [CanLII] Two of the most pressing issues to be decided by the Court were: The amount, if any, of any deduction for collateral benefits to be made from Meaghan Dunk’s award; The scale …
Dunk v. Kremer, 2018 ONCA 274 (CanLII)
Where trial counsel employs inflammatory and inappropriate language in their closing, a clear and strong jury charge may obviate the need for a mistrial. Further, where a party fails to provide a Rule 53 report in adherence with the Rules, that expert’s evidence will be limited in scope.
Echelon General Insurance Company v. Ontario (Minister of Finance), 2016 ONSC 5019
This was an appeal of a preliminary award in which the arbitrator determined that an insurer’s policy had expired prior to the collision in question. The issue on appeal was whether an improperly cancelled policy remained in force.
Economical Mutual Insurance Company v. Caughy, 2015 ONSC 3251
Released June 10, 2015 | CanLII Patrick Caughy applied to Economical for accident benefits under his own motor vehicle policy, as a result of injuries he sustained on August 3, 2012. Economical brought an application for a determination as to whether Mr. Caughy had been involved in an “accident”, pursuant to section 3(1) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule – effective September 1, 2010 (“the Schedule”). …
Economical Mutual Insurance Company v. Caughy, 2016 ONCA 226 (CanLII)
Court of Appeal upholds application judge’s finding that a trip over parked motorcycle qualifies for SABS.
Edwards v Camp Kennebec, 2016 ONSC 2501
In this settlement approval motion, plaintiff counsel’s fees were reduced from $793,500 to $225,000 because the contingency fee agreement was not compliant with the Solicitor’s Act
Edwards v. McCarthy, 2019 ONSC 3925
Court rules where expert report served during discovery process, lawyers’ letter of instruction to expert is protected by litigation privilege and not producible at discovery stage so long as instructions from counsel is included in the report itself.
El-Khodr v. Lackie, 2015 ONSC 4766
Released July 28, 2015 | CanLII This decision concerns the calculation of prejudgment interest, whether the Court has jurisdiction to make an order pursuant to the trust and assignment provisions of the Insurance Act in the absence of a notice of motion and costs. It was released after the plaintiff, who was catastrophically injured in a motor vehicle accident, was awarded $2,931,006.00 by a jury. …
Endale v. Parker, ONSC 2008
In Endale v. Parker, a motions judge ordered the plaintiff to pay the costs of delivering documents to fulfill undertakings save for reasonable photocopying costs.
Ernewein v. Honda Canada, 2017 ONSC 3727
This is a motion for leave to appeal from a motion for summary judgment and documentary productions
Estate of John Edward Graham v. Southlake Regional Health Centre, 2019 ONSC 391 (CanLII)
The Plaintiffs succeeded in adding a defendant more than six years after the death anniversary of the deceased based on the special circumstances doctrine.
Evans v. Canusa Automotive Warehousing Inc., 2015 ONSC 6406 (CanLII)
Released October 16, 2015 | CanLII This endorsement on costs concerns the plaintiffs’ effort to escape an adverse costs award after their action was dismissed following the defendants’ successful summary judgement motion. The plaintiffs requested there be no cost order on the basis of their impecuniosity, which they sought to substantiate by filing an affidavit stating they had accumulated debt and tax liabilities in excess …
Eynon v. Simplicity Air Ltd., 2021 ONCA 409
In Eynon v. Simplicity Air Ltd, the Court of Appeal addressed a significant punitive damage award in a case where the plaintiff contributed considerably to the incident that caused his injury.
Fancy Barristers P.C. v. Morse Shannon LLP, 2017 ONCA 82 (CanLII)
Court of Appeal dismisses appeal of charging order alleging judicial bias
Farej v Fellows, 2022 ONCA 254
This decision is important for its insights on causation in the context of tortious and innocent causes of an injury.
Farhat v. Monteanu, 2015 ONSC 2119 (CanLII)
In this summary judgment motion, Perell J. of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that a person cannot always be expected to commence an action before he or she knows that the injuries surpass the threshold, which may not always be apparent on the date in which the accident occurred.
Felix v. Omar, 2018 ONSC 3286 (CanLII)
On the defendant’s motion to compel answers to questions refused at discovery, questions regarding the possible criminal involvement, education and employment of plaintiff’s younger sibling were held to be not relevant, probative, necessary or proportionate to the issues in the action
Ferawana v State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co, 2016 CarswellOnt 14392
If an insurer fails to comply with the notice requirements at section 38(8) of the SABS, the relief in section 38(11) is mandatory and the insurer is prohibited from making a MIG determination on the applicant’s claim.
Fernandes v. Araujo, 2015 ONCA 571
Released August 10, 2015 | CanLII After 62 Years, Court of Appeal Admits it was Wrong A five-judge panel of the Court of Appeal just over-ruled its own decision from 1953 on vicarious liability of the owner of a vehicle being driven on the highway. This week, the Court released its decision in Fernandes v. Araujo (2015 ONCA 571) about the liability of the owner of …
Ferreira v. Hopper, 2024 ONSC 5385
Full Decision Introduction In September 2024, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice released the motion decision of Ferreira v. Hopper, 2024 ONSC 5385. The decision provides that the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) received by a plaintiff is to be deducted from their past income loss award pursuant to section 267.8(1)2 of the Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.I.8. Facts …
Ferreira v. St. Mary’s General Hospital, 2017 ONSC 6631 (CanLII)
Lawyers can be held personally responsible for costs when a lawyer breaches his or her duty as an officer of the court and abuses the processes of the court.
Ferro v. Weiner, 2019 ONCA 55, 144 OR (3d) 414
A young man drowned at a cottage at a 2010 graduation party put on by Enid Weiner’s adult son, wife, and daughter (the hosts)…
Finnemore v. Hyde, 2021 ONSC 19
Union pension not deductible from MVC income loss claim.
Fleming v. Brown, 2017 ONSC 1430 (CanLII)
Court rules ATE policies must be produced.
Fleming v. Brown, Court File no. 1220/15
Adverse costs insurance policies must now be produced pursuant to rule 30.02(3).
Fontanilla v. Thermo Cool Mechanical, 2016 ONSC 7023 (CanLII)
An unsuccessful motion to add defendants more than 4 years after the incident with helpful comments about reasonable due diligence.
Forestall v. Carrol, 2015 ONSC 5883 (CanLII)
Released September 23, 2015 | Full Decision Rarely will leave to appeal be granted from the decision to dismiss a summary judgment motion. Normally, the moving party lives to fight the issue on the merits another day. This was the rare case. The issue was discrete but central in the proceedings. It would speed the resolution of a long standing case. In 2005, a collision …
Forestall v. Carroll, 2015 CarswellOnt 14272
Released Semptember 23, 2015 | Full decision [OTLA Document Bank] This was a motion before the Divisional Court for leave to appeal an order dismissing a summary judgment motion. The defendant, Elizabeth Carroll had pleaded that she was driving her mother, the defendant Celina Carroll’s car with permission. Apart from the presumption of permission, all other evidence, including the sworn testimony of both defendants on …
Forsythe v. Westfall, 2015 ONCA 810 (CanLII)
A plaintiff’s claim against her own Ontario-based automobile insurance company for uninsured/underinsured coverage is not a “real or substantial connecting factor” in establishing jurisdiction over an out-of-province motor vehicle tort claim
Foster v Aviva, 2021 CanLII 117413
This Reconsideration Decision involves the issue of whether the applicant can receive both the Canada Recovery Benefit (“CRB”) and the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (“CERB”) and Income Replacement Benefits IRBs.
Foster v. Aviva Gen. Ins. Co., 2021 CanLII 117413 (ON LAT)
Recently, in the Reconsideration Decision of Foster v. Aviva, Vice-Chair Boyce of the LAT tackled the issue of whether the CRB and CERB are deductible from IRBs…
Francis v State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, CV-13-5492-00
This is a motion for summary judgment in the context of the OAP-1’s unidentified motorist provisions.
Francisco v. Li, 2021 ONSC 1032
In this case, the motion to strike the defendant’s jury notice due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was brought pursuant to r. 47.02 of the Rules of Civil Procedure…
Frank v. Legate, 2015 ONCA 631
Court of Appeal upholds abuse of of process dismissal of Doctor’s defamation lawsuit against medical malpractice plaintiff counsel.
Franklin et al. v. The City of Greater Sudbury, 2016 ONSC 4739 (CanLII)
In considering the issue of gross negligence by a city, the court looked at whether it was reasonably foreseeable that members of the public would enter the premises during the winter season. If it is, the city must provide a reasonable level of winter maintenance, post notice that maintenance had ceased, or block access to the premises. However, the court will also look at whether enough snow has fallen that a reasonable observer would conclude that the premises are no longer in use and/or not being maintained and, at that point, the city may reasonably cease all maintenance on the premises as there would be no good reason to believe that anybody will use it.
Fraser v. Fenchurch General Insurance, 2022 ONSC 6222
Plaintiff Awarded $150,000 Punitive Damages for Insurer’s Bad Faith Handling of Chronic Pain LTD Claim
Fratarcangeli v. North Blenheim
On June 15, 2021, the Divisional Court released its long-awaited decision on three appeals, which all related to whether the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) has the jurisdiction to extend the two year limitation period for disputing accident benefits claims under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule. The LAT had been releasing inconsistent decisions as to whether it had this jurisdiction, and clarity was required from the appeal court…
Gagnier v. Burns, 2021 ONSC 1971
In this case, the Plaintiffs successfully moved to strike the Defendant’s civil jury notice. This is the first decision of its kind in the Windsor-Essex region…
Galota v. Festival Hall Developments Ltd. et al, 2015 ONSC 6177 (CanLII)
Released October 6, 2015 | CanLII This is a motion for summary judgment on a limitation period issue. On May 13, 2006, the Plaintiff fell off of a dance stage at a bar and broke her arm. She sued only the bar owner (tenant) within two years of the fall. The bar and its insurer defended the action; unfortunately, the bar closed and its insurer became …
Gardiner v. MacDonald, 2016 ONCA 968
Court of Appeal upholds trial decision apportioning liability 20% as against City Bus with right-of-way, which collided with a vehicle running a ran light.
Gardiner v. MacDonald, 2016 ONSC 602
This case affirms that liability in motor vehicle accidents is not clear-cut, even in cases where the right of way is undisputed. In apportioning liability for an accident, the court will assess the reasonableness of each driver’s actions in the circumstances. Professional drivers will be held to a higher standard of care than ordinary drivers in similar situations.
Gendron v. Doug C. Thompson Ltd. (Thompson Fuels), 2019 ONCA 293 (CanLII)
This case is about a 2008 oil leak, wherein a home furnace oil tank leaked through the basement and into surrounding soil, through a drainage system under the house and into the city’s culvert, which carried it into nearby Sturgeon Lake The leak instigated a massive remediation project to remediate the millions of dollars of damage to the environment.
Gennett Lumber Co., v. John Doe a.k.a. Milton Harvey et al., 2019 ONSC 1345
The Plaintiff, Gennett Lumber Company, brought a motion for default judgment against a defendant who was a participant in a complex fraudulent scheme.
Gilbert v. South, 2015 ONCA 712
Court of Appeal Refuses to Order Trust or Assignment of Accident Benefits Following Trial
Girao v. Cunningham, 2020 ONCA 260
Court of Appeal sets aside trial decision favouring defendants, orders new trial, and awards costs against defendants for trial and appeal.
Gomez v Vandelden, 2016 ONSC 1966 (CanLII)
Despite concerns regarding the credibility of the parties, Justice Dow grants Summary Judgment in “very exceptional case where the paper record was sufficient to reach a fair conclusion”
Gopie v. Ramcharran, 2019 ONCA 402
In this Court of Appeal decision, the plaintiffs appealed the trial decision that, after set off, resulted in zero recovery with a further $22,406.37 in costs awarded to the defendant.
Gore v. Rusk, 2022 ONSC 2893
Is it permissible for a LAT adjudicator to hear reconsideration requests after completing the original assessment?
Graham v. Toronto (City), 2022 ONCA 149
Is a “modest excuse” sufficient to justify a delay in notifying a municipality of a potential claim?
Grajqevci v. Rustaie, 2017 ONCA 2535
Court is not required to determine whether a plaintiff’s injuries meet threshold for non-pecuniary general damages and health care costs under s. 267.5(15) of the Insurance Act if the amount awarded for pain and suffering is zero.
Graul v. Kansal, 2022 ONSC 1958
A reminder that expert witnesses retained by both plaintiff and defendant counsel are expected to give evidence in a way that is objectively helpful to the court, and not influenced by which side that retains their services.
Grewal v. Peel Mutual Insurance Company, 2021 CanLII 111183 (ON LAT)
In this case, the original LAT decision denied the applicant’s motion to add the issue of punitive damages in the amount of $150,000.00. On reconsideration, Adjudicator Mazerolle again denied the applicant’s request…
Grigoroff v Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, 2015 ONSC 3585
Released July 15, 2015 | CanLII This Divisional Court decision concerns the issue of when interest begins to run on attendant care benefits. The Divisional Court noted that the determination of this issue turned on when the payment of a benefit is “overdue”. The Plaintiff was involved in a motor vehicle collision on December 7, 2001. The Plaintiff retained various occupational therapists and case managers to …
Gullett v. Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, [2019] SKQB 15
A plaintiff must have knowledge beyond “mere suspicion” for a limitation period to commence, and in some cases, additional medical information is required for the plaintiff to have the requisite knowledge to discover his or her claim for an alleged medical complication.
H.C. v. SSQ Life Insurance Company Inc., 2024 ONSC 53 (CanLII)
In this long-term disability matter H.C., Justice Doyle ruled that the plaintiff was not required to produce the redacted notes and records of her long-time treating psychologist. The Court also granted the plaintiff’s cross-motion for anonymization of the parties’ names as well as a sealing order of the psychologist’s treating records. The case sets out the general principles on redactions of records as well as the Wigmore criteria, and that such redactions be allowed if the information is not relevant to the matter and there is no good reason to produce it.
Hacopian-Armen Estate v. Mahmoud, 2021 ONCA 545
In this case, the plaintiff died in 2011 of stage IV uterine leiomyosarcoma (“uLMS”), which had metastasized to her lungs. The allegation at the centre of the lawsuit was that her gynecologist failed to perform a routine endometrial biopsy in 2009 and that, if he had, her cancer would have been detected at an early stage such that her death could have been avoided through proper treatment…
Hall v. Niagara (Police Services Board), 2022 ONCA 288
A civil suit finding there had been false arrest, negligent investigation and malicious prosecution.
Hamblin v. Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2016 ONCA 854
An LTD insurer is entitled to reduce the amount of LTD payments under a group insurance plan by the amount of the non-earner benefit the insured person is receiving, so long as the accident benefits insurer is not deducting LTD payments from the amount of the NEB payable.
Hamilton v. Bluewater Recycling Association, 2016 ONCA 805
This was a motorcycle vs. recycling truck collision where the parties agreed that the Plaintiff motorcyclist’s damages were $8 million. The Plaintiff appealed the jury’s verdict that he was 100% liable for the collision.
Hamilton v. Ontario Corporation #2000533 o/a Toronto Community Housing Corporation 2017 ONSC 5467
Summary judgment granted where the Plaintiff could not produce objective evidence of an unsafe condition resulting in her slip and fall.
Harris v. Ontario, 2016 ONSC 4641
Are claims for recovery of legal expenses incurred in connection with the inquest conducted into the death of JD potentially recoverable in law as against the defendants, pursuant to section 61(1) of the Family Law Act, or are such expenses excluded claims which are not potentially recoverable at law?
Hartley v. Security National, 2017 ONCA 715
The Court of Appeal for Ontario held that a Minnesota tortfeasor with only $500,000 liability limits is an “inadequately insured motorist” under the Family Protection Endorsement (OPCF 44R) in Ontario, where the 44R limits are $1 million.
Hasan v. Trillium Health Centre (Mississauga), 2024 ONCA 586
Full Decision INTRODUCTION On July 25, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal released the decision of Hasan v. Trillium Health Centre (Mississauga), 2024 ONCA 586. This decision provides clear guidance on the proper approach to causation when the defendant’s negligence creates an evidentiary gap. FACTS The respondent, Syed Hasan, suffered from a stroke at the age of 40. He initially went to the emergency department …
Hassan v. Sun Life, 2023 ONSC 7280
On July 26, 2017, the plaintiff, a lawyer for Legal Aid Ontario, submitted a claim for long-term disability benefits (LTDs) to Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life), alleging total disability as of April 18, 2017, due to left arm and shoulder pain, anxiety, depression and phantom limb pain. On September 26, 2017, the plaintiff received a letter from Sun Life advising her that her claim for LTDs had not been approved as she did not satisfy the definition of “total disability”.
Heathcote v. RBC Life Insurance Company, 2024 ONSC 1539 (CanLII)
Full Decision Plaintiffs seeking productions in actions with their long-term disability insurers often do not receive what they should. Insurers provide incomplete affidavits of documents and refuse to hand over relevant and probative evidence of their internal procedures. This case provides some interesting examples of questions to be asked at examination for discovery and how the Court will deal with productions arising from those questions. …
Hedley v. Aviva Insurance Company of Canada, 2019 ONSC 5318
Insurers’ mere boilerplate reasons for denying treatment will no longer suffice in light of this Licence Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”) decision, which was upheld on appeal.
Hemmings v. Peng, 2023 ONSC 66
The following reasons for decision on costs was released by Justice G. Dow on January 4, 2023. The decision is noteworthy given the significant quantum of costs and disbursements awarded to the plaintiffs and the discussion about Sanderson Orders.
Henderson v. Slavkin et al, 2022 ONSC 2964
Full Decision In this case the court considered the effect of a termination clause which provided for termination without notice in case of a breach of confidentiality or conflict of interest. Material facts The defendants operated a dental surgery practice in the GTA. Both doctors are now retired. The plaintiff was the receptionist since 1990. Her employment was terminated on April 30, 2020. Her annual …
Henry v. Zaitlen, 2021 ONSC 456
The Ontario Superior Court in Toronto recently dismissed the defendant’s motion to strike the jury notice in Henry v. Zaitlen 2021 ONSC 456, days after the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in Louis v. Poitras, 2021 ONCA 49…
Herrington v. Brewer et al., 2022 ONSC 2852
Full Decision The Superior Court of Justice helpfully clarifies the approach to quantifying loss of competitive advantage in Herrington. After sustaining injuries in a motor vehicle collision, the plaintiff continued to earn business income but in a market with serious labour shortages. Additionally, he was no longer able to perform the physical work of the job. The case also addressed causation and the “crumbling skull” …
Hezaveh v. Sajanlal
Judge upholds Master’s decision not to order production of settlement release related to prior motor vehicle accident litigation.
Higashi v. Chiarot et al. – Court File No: 14-61439
In this case, the Plaintiff brought a motion to strike the jury after her four-week trial.
Hillis v. Meineri, 2017 ONSC 2845 (CanLII)
The plaintiff was successful in this action brought over the efficacy of anesthesia.
Hoang v. The Personal Insurance Co, 2017 ONSC 3649
Coverage decision about “use or operation of an automobile”
Hoang v. Vicentini, 2016 ONCA 723
Court of Appeal speaks to the Difference between Litigation Experts & Participant Experts (and the exception to complying with Rule 53.03)
HR v. Intact Insurance Company, 2023 CanLII 56030
This case examines which fees are reasonable and necessary for complex treatment plans, including out-of-session services, form completion, brokerage time and report preparation.
Huber v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada, 2024 CanLII 41012 (ON LAT)
Huber v. Allstate (“Huber”) involved an accident benefits dispute before the Licence Appeal Tribunal (the “LAT”) related to a motor vehicle collision, which occurred on November 6, 2019. The issues in dispute were: (a) whether the applicant suffered a “minor injury,” in accordance with section 3 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (the “SABS”); (b) whether the applicant was entitled to psychological services in the amount of $3,841.09; and (c) whether the applicant was entitled to psychological assessment in the amount of $2,486. Additionally, the applicant further sought interest and an award under section 10 of O. Reg 664 due to the insurer unreasonably withholding or delaying payment to the applicant.
Hummel v. Jantzi, 2019 ONSC 3571
On June 7, 2012, at approximately 1:30 am the Plaintiff was injured in a motor vehicle accident. He was seated in the front passenger seat and was not wearing a seat belt.