New technology Category Archives

Product Liability and COVID-19

During the course of the pandemic, companies across the country started manufacturing PPE and other products that they would not normally be making, to meet the demand for such products and reduce shortages. For most of these products, proper manufacturing is essential to their safety, however if such products led to personal injury on the part of the consumer, can that consumer sue the manufacturer?

Witness Tips for a Virtual Trial

Giving evidence in Court can be intimidating and nerve-racking. Most people have never been into a Courtroom let alone been forced to answer questions in front of a Judge. With the move to virtual trials, witnesses face different challenges when they are told they need to testify in Court. Here are some tips for getting comfortable with the process and presenting your evidence as clearly as possible.

Zoom and the Practice of Law

Video Game Bullying, Fortnite & Your Child’s Legal Options

Finding the truth on bullying becomes more difficult when technology comes into play. Canadian teachers ranked cyberbullying as the highest issue of concern (86%) out of 6 listed options.

Injured at an AirBnB? Liability implications for AirBnB and its millions of hosts

It is unclear how many of these 500 million confirmed guest arrivals have resulted in significant personal injury or property damage. However, chances are quite high that at this rate, it is only a matter of time before AirBnB personal injury litigation makes its way through our court system.

How Much Is Too Much? Should Life Insurance Providers Use Your Digital Data To Determine Your Health and Premiums?

Wearable health and fitness tracking devices, such as Fitbit, and mHealth technology, such as Apple’s mobile applications, have become so ubiquitous that they have permeated into most of our lives. It should therefore come as no surprise that companies are interested in the potential wealth of data that they represent.