Full Decision In Co-operators Insurance Company v. Bennett, 2024 ONSC 467, the applicant, Ms. Bennett, was involved in a car crash. She applied for accident benefits through her auto insurer, Co-operators. Co-operators determined that she suffered a “minor injury” as defined by the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”) and placed her in the Minor Injury Guideline (“MIG” or “Guideline”). In the MIG, Ms. Bennett’s med/rehab …
SABS Tag Archives
DC v. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, 2023 CanLII 77319 (ON LAT)
The applicant in this case, DC, was involved in a motor vehicle collision on September 20, 2019. DC was 12 years old at the time. As a result of the collision, DC suffered a traumatic brain injury resulting in catastrophic impairment. The dispute before the LAT was whether the respondent, TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, was required to pay DC a non-earner benefit. At the time of the LAT hearing, DC was 15 years old.
Kellerman-Bernard v. Unica Insurance Company, 2023 ONSC 4423
n Kellerman-Bernard v. Unica, the Ontario Divisional Court held that a parent who suffered psychological injuries as a result of her son’s bicycle collision was entitled to apply for catastrophic designation
Nichols v. Gore Mutual Insurance Company, 2023 CanLII 7299 (ON LAT)
The LAT reversed its decision which would have barred the applicant from proceeding with a claim for benefits.
So What Does “Medical And Any Other Reasons” Really Mean?
Full Decision In Varriano v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada, the Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) addressed whether a medical reason must be included in every denial of statutory accident benefits. The applicant, Nunzio Varriano, was injured in a motor vehicle collision in September 2015. He successfully applied to his auto insurer, Allstate, for income replacement benefits (IRBs). He returned to work two months later, …
Madore v. Intact Insurance Company 2023 ONSC 11
This matter is related to an appeal brought before the Divisional Court regarding a Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) decision denying Mr. Madore eligibility for benefits under the SABS