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Give and Take: Auto Insurance Premiums Drop at Expense of Ontario’s Injured and Vulnerable

Signs at Rally for Fair Insurance Benefits

OTLA President-Elect Adam Wagman recently appeared with Jerry Agar on Newstalk 1010, Scott Thompson of AM900 CHML, and also with Tom Hayes on Global News to speak about concerns with Ontario’s new auto insurance rules. On June 1, 2016, in an effort to reduce insurance premiums in Ontario, the Provincial government has mandated changes to accident benefits. These changes include a $1 million dollar reduction …

Better Reporting of Medical Errors Could Save Lives

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, behind heart disease and cancer, according to a recent study published by Drs. Makary and Daniel at Johns Hopkins University. It is estimated at least 251,454 Americans die due to medical errors every year. The study goes on to say that medical error leading to patient death is under-recognized in many other …