Danielle Bartlett

Danielle Bartlett was called to the Ontario bar in 2017. She is an associate at Tierney Stauffer LLP.

Danielle is a compassionate advocate navigating complex personal injury claims and estates litigation. She practices all types of personal injury claims including motor vehicle accidents, product liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death, slip and falls, as well as sexual assault and historical abuse claims.

Bernier v. Ottawa (Ville), 2024 ONSC 6725 (CanLII)

Full Decision Bernier v. Ottawa (Ville),2024 ONSC 6725 (CanLII) is a recent waiver liability case which clarifies the interpretation and enforceability of waivers purporting to waive negligence and the importance of the context and circumstances in which a waiver was signed. The defendants, and third party in the action, collectively brought a summary judgment motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ action. In 2018, Ms. Bernier suffered …

Abdul-Hussein v. Zabel, 2024 ONSC 4035

Full Decision This Ottawa summary judgment decision again highlights that lack of expert evidence may be fatal to a medical malpractice case. Ms. Abdul-Hussein, the self-represented plaintiff in this matter, sued Dr. Werner Zabel, an ophthalmologist. Ms. Abdul-Hussein alleged he had performed a cataract surgery and laser capsulotomy negligently and failed to obtain her informed consent. She framed her claim as one of battery and …

H.C. v. SSQ Life Insurance Company Inc., 2024 ONSC 53 (CanLII)

In this long-term disability matter H.C., Justice Doyle ruled that the plaintiff was not required to produce the redacted notes and records of her long-time treating psychologist. The Court also granted the plaintiff’s cross-motion for anonymization of the parties’ names as well as a sealing order of the psychologist’s treating records. The case sets out the general principles on redactions of records as well as the Wigmore criteria, and that such redactions be allowed if the information is not relevant to the matter and there is no good reason to produce it.

 J.E. and S.E. v. Metrolinx, 2024 ONSC 612

In November 2017, J.E. was walking on a sidewalk in Waterloo when he was injured by a bus stop sign that was protruding into his path. He claimed damages for injuries including concussion, depression and anxiety. In 2023, J.E. was subsequently hospitalized, diagnosed with and treated for schizophrenia.

Cooper v. Beaudoin, 2023 ONSC 6543

This Ottawa occupiers’ liability case was a bifurcated trial with the issue of liability heard first. While the analysis is largely fact driven, Cooper provides a helpful analysis of occupiers’ liability law and a thorough review of the judge’s findings of fact.

Barry v. His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario, 2023 ONSC 4299