John Michael Bray

John Michael is a director of the Ontario Trial Lawyer Association and a lawyer in Sudbury, Ontario where he practices in the area of personal injury law.

John Michael is at home in Northern Ontario. He has a love for the outdoors, including fishing and hunting. He is also participates in many team sports and enjoys food, culture, fine dining and travelling.

Updated: How Insurers Deduct Thousands from Accident Victims’ Compensation

Imagine for a moment that you are suddenly injured in a car accident for which you are not at fault and are now stuck with its consequences, which most often include pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and impairments which impact your ability to earn a living.

How Insurers Deduct Thousands from Accident Victims’ Compensation

Imagine for a moment that you are suddenly injured in a car accident for which you are not at fault and are now stuck with its consequences, which most often include pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and impairments which impact your ability to earn a living. It’s a good idea to make sure that you use a lawyer who can really help you …

Protect Your Family from Catastrophic Automobile Insurance Reform

Anyone reading the tragic story of Adam Bari out of Hamilton, Ontario this past week will undoubtedly feel overwhelming sympathy for his now dire situation and will at the same time experience incredible apprehension and fear at the thought of such a tragedy ever happening to either themselves or to a loved one. Due to recent changes to the auto insurance regulations brought forth by …