The trend in the more recent cases are for more disclosure of personal and private social media accounts. Master Short acknowledges that there is flux in the law right now regarding disclosure of social media pages.
Media Category Archives
The War on Toboggans is Not Due to Lawsuits or the Courts
Are municipalities getting nailed with lawsuits for kids and families tobogganing on city property? Absolutely not! Are they held responsible when they know someone will get hurt, but do nothing about it? Sometimes, but it is extremely rare. If there is a war by municipalities against tobogganing, don’t blame lawsuits. Believe it or not, tobogganing cases going to court against a city or town are …
ROM exhibition raises awareness of fashion options available for those in wheelchairs
“The world has many bodies and not all of them are standing.” The Royal Ontario Museum is hosting “Fashion Follows Form: Designs for Sitting”, an exhibit highlighting adaptive clothing designs for men and women who use wheelchairs. The exhibit has been running since June 21, 2014 and will go until January 25, 2015. The exhibition showcases designs from Izzy Camilleri, a Canadian designer with an …
Medical malpractice in the media: the Toronto Star
In November 2013, OTLA submitted recommendations on the Draft Transparency Principles, proposed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). In the submission, OTLA expressed the importance of patient safety: “OTLA feels that the overriding concern in establishing and applying these transparency principles must be, first and foremost, the protection of the public and disclosure of information, not the protection of the physician’s privacy.” …
The Real Facts in McDonald’s Coffee Case Percolating Through Social Media
Social media and online news sources are providing trial lawyers and victims’ rights activists with new opportunities to ensure that the public is informed and not misled by tort “reform” and big business propaganda. The McDonald’s hot coffee case was actively lauded by tort “reformers” as an example of all that was wrong with the American civil justice system. The actual facts of the case were …