What’s down the road for driverless cars?

For car enthusiasts, the 2014 Canadian International Auto Show to be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in early February is the can’t-be-missed occasion to get a glimpse of exciting developments in the automotive industry. In our electronic age, we can expect manufacturers to showcase the technological capabilities of their newest vehicles and how their latest models can help commuters stay “connected.” Accenture, an …

Proceed with caution—extreme weather conditions ahead!

Ice storms. Blizzards. Freezing winds. We have already faced some extreme early-winter weather this season. If you have managed to brave the weather and not suffer any serious mishaps, you should consider yourself lucky. But don’t get too confident. You might start to walk winter sidewalks without concern, or your driving speed might inch back up if you feel invincible in your four-wheel drive or …

‘Tis the season…for safe celebrations

While Childs v. Desormeaux, 2006 SCC 18 closed the door on a specific fact pattern of social host liability, there are a myriad of other scenarios which could attract legal liability to a party host. When you invite guests into your home this season, let them leave with happy memories and without a reason to name you in a Statement of Claim. Aside from any …

Insurers get an early present; injured victims get another lump of coal

On Wednesday, December 11, 2013, the government secretly pushed through three changes to the SABS (Ontario Regulation 347/13), all of which will come into force on February 1, 2014. One of those changes is a small amendment to section 35 of the SABS dealing with the election of weekly benefits. However, the other two changes (attendant care benefits and pre-existing medical conditions) are potentially much …

Diffusion MRI technology demonstrates neurological abnormalities months after mild concussion symptoms have faded

Image via Flickr user Reigh LeBlanc: http://www.flickr.com/photos/reighleblanc/3854685038/sizes/o/ Brain injuries are often referred to as “invisible injuries” due to the limitations of brain imaging technology. That may be changing with the advent of Diffusion MRI technology. In a study published in a recent issue of Neurology, researchers revealed that abnormalities from a mild concussion can be seen to linger up to four months after the actual …

Get home safely this holiday season with Operation Red Nose

OTLA is proud to once again be the provincial sponsor for Operation Red Nose, a designated driving program running throughout the holiday season in 10 communities across Ontario. “We are very excited once again to be a part of Operation Red Nose,” said Laura Hillyer, chair of OTLA’s Public Relations committee. Ms. Hillyer was on hand at the November 18 launch of Operation Red Nose …