As Canada nears the likely legalization of marijuana for recreational use, a host of issues will impact on users for medical purposes. Presently, the possession, distribution and production of marijuana is illegal. An exception to this applies to medicinal use. Long-term medical, legal, and business effects of marijuana legalization remain clouded. Introduction of recreational marijuana legislation is expected in spring 2017. Until then, Canada holds its breath.
Liberals Tag Archives
Give and Take: Auto Insurance Premiums Drop at Expense of Ontario’s Injured and Vulnerable
OTLA President-Elect Adam Wagman recently appeared with Jerry Agar on Newstalk 1010, Scott Thompson of AM900 CHML, and also with Tom Hayes on Global News to speak about concerns with Ontario’s new auto insurance rules. On June 1, 2016, in an effort to reduce insurance premiums in Ontario, the Provincial government has mandated changes to accident benefits. These changes include a $1 million dollar reduction …