Accident Benefits Category Archives

Tort Rights Eroded for Victims of Auto Accidents

Drunk, distracted and dangerous drivers – sit back and relax. Why? Because you don’t have to fully pay for your mistakes. The insurance companies that hire lawyers for you and defend you in court have spent millions of our premium dollars lobbying the government of Ontario to take away the rights of the people you injure when you are driving. Because of these efforts, the …

4 Questions to Ask Your Broker Before Renewing Your Auto Insurance

On June 1, 2016, the automobile insurance coverage available to Ontarians fell dramatically, meaning car crash victims will now receive significantly less money to help them get back on their feet. The decreased coverage will take effect upon policy renewal. Unless consumers purchase optional additional coverage, the amount of coverage they have will be significantly less than it was prior to the June 1st changes. …

Optional Benefits Are Now Less “Optional” Than Ever

If you didn’t know that your automobile insurance benefits were reduced on June 1st, you are not alone. A recent survey conducted by the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (“IBAO”) revealed that only 42% of consumers had heard about the changes and less than 20% could actually identify what those changes were. All Ontario drivers need to be familiar with these reductions to auto insurance coverage …

Give and Take: Auto Insurance Premiums Drop at Expense of Ontario’s Injured and Vulnerable

Signs at Rally for Fair Insurance Benefits

OTLA President-Elect Adam Wagman recently appeared with Jerry Agar on Newstalk 1010, Scott Thompson of AM900 CHML, and also with Tom Hayes on Global News to speak about concerns with Ontario’s new auto insurance rules. On June 1, 2016, in an effort to reduce insurance premiums in Ontario, the Provincial government has mandated changes to accident benefits. These changes include a $1 million dollar reduction …

From FSCO to the LAT: Procedural Changes to Accident Benefits Disputes

  The 2015 Ontario budget announced on April 23, 2015 brings sweeping changes to the auto insurance accident benefits system. Catastrophic and non-Catastrophic funding limits were slashed, and drastic revisions to the definition of “catastrophic impairment” were proposed. There will be a huge procedural change as well; disputes under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”) will no longer be subject to the jurisdiction of the Financial Services …

Transition to the LAT

The LAT is set to begin receiving applications for SABS disputes on April 1. OTLA is addressing significant concerns about the transition, specifically an insured’s ability to access the new dispute resolution process.