As we bid farewell to 2021, OTLA has updated the Licence Appeal Tribunal statistics from our ongoing Freedom of Information requests. It’s my holiday gift to all of you!
The 2020 blog about this can be found HERE.
Not surprising, the LAT is not getting any faster, and even more not surprising, the same insurers are still creating a lot of LAT disputes.
First, the insurers. Here are the top 5 insurers at the LAT (by Applications in 2021-22 Q2 and by my count):
- Aviva: 572
- Certas (Desjardins): 441
- Intact: 439
- TD: 258
- Economical: 213
Some of this is probably a matter of the “bigger you are, the more applications you’ll get” but, as noted previously, some more litigious insurers have a (much) higher percentage of LAT cases compared to their overall market share.
See previous blog on Market Share vs. LAT Applications & Decisions HERE.
Delay continues to be a massive issue at the LAT. Each step in the proceeding is taking longer and longer as the years go by, and the number of Applications (and insurer denials) continues to rise. OTLA members report that Case Conferences are being cancelled on short notice and then rescheduled to dates in the distant future.
Some quick “take aways” before the actual stats:
- The average time between Application and Decision is now 589 days. This has steadily increased since the LAT took over AB disputes.
- We are now at almost double the amount of time from Application to Decision from when the LAT started hearing AB disputes (323 days in 2017-2018 Q4 to 589 days in 2021-2022 Q4).
- The average time between each litigation step (Application, Case Conference, Hearing) has increased over the last year.
- Applications remain high, average about 4,000 per quarter over the last year.
Here are the updated results:
Number of applications received by quarter

Various items relating to length of time: average length of time by quarter

On a more positive note, OTLA’s John Karapita, Matt Caron, Board Member Jennifer Bezaire and myself, met with the LAT on December 2, 2021.
At this meeting, the LAT told OTLA about their ongoing efforts to hire more adjudicators, work to eliminate backlogs and work to potentially reform some LAT procedures to streamline the process.
OTLA will continue to engage with the LAT on an ongoing basis in the new year.