The plaintiff was injured in a car accident on September 30, 2015. He applied for accident benefits and received income replacement benefits (IRBs) until Dec 2, 2015 when he returned to work full time.
accident benefits Tag Archives
NM v The Guarantee Company of North America
This reconsideration decision helps shed some more light on the level of behaviour that will attract costs at the Licence Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”).
Guide to Automobile Accident Benefits Forms
Statutory Accident Benefits (“accident benefits”) are available to those who are injured as a result of the “use or operation of a motor vehicle”. This includes passengers, drivers, cyclists, or those who are injured by motor vehicles as pedestrians.
The Connection Between Statutory Accident Benefits and Tort
Ontario motor vehicle accident legislation is a confusing area of personal injury law for many victims of a car accident. It is important for people to understand their available options for compensation through accident benefits and tort, and how these particular options interplay with each other.
What happens if you’re in a snowmobile accident?
When the winter season commences, so do the snow sports. For some, this means pulling out their snowmobile and enjoying rides around their property or through the trails.
T. K. vs. Allstate Insurance, 2019 ONLAT 18-007113/AABS
The Licence Appeal Tribunal (“the LAT”) has determined that it does not have the power nor jurisdiction to award interim benefits pursuant to the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule – Effective September 1, 2010 (the ”Schedule”).