In special circumstances, the Court of Appeal has jurisdiction to reopen contingency fee agreements that have been paid and order an assessment to be conducted to ensure public confidence in the administration of justice.
justice Tag Archives
Terror victims find redress in Canadian Courts
The threat of terror is a global travesty that seems to respect no geographic boundaries. It is incumbent on Canada and other countries to work together to deter the sponsorship of terrorism and to obtain civil justice against those entities that support and enable its proliferation. What is the Justice For Victims of Terrorism Act? On March 13, 2012, the Canadian Government enacted the Justice For …
Expansion of the Duties Owed to Rescuers
What can be reasonably foreseeable in rescue situations? In Maguire v. Padt, Suzanne Padt was found to be negligent when she drove into a ditch while driving in winter whiteout road conditions. Two other drivers and a police officer stopped to assist Ms. Padt and her daughter out of the ditch and were successful in getting them into the police car safely. Amidst the investigation …