The Challenges of Arguing Cannabinoid Treatment in Personal Injury Claims

In Canada, cannabis was regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, SC 1996, c 19 and more specifically, given a legal exemption for medical use. On October 17, 2018, cannabis was legalized under the Cannabis Act, SC 2018, c 16.

The Role of Campus Police

As students return to universities across the country, they will likely notice the presence of police-like “campus cops”. Despite their colloquial nickname and similar uniform, special constables, as they are formally titled, are not police officers. They are peace officers who have been granted police authority through provincial legislation.

How Insurance Companies ‘Defend’ Car Accident Claims

If you’ve been injured in a car accident that was someone else’s fault, the law in Ontario unfortunately does not allow for automatic monetary compensation for your injuries and losses.

It’s the Dog Days of Summer – What you should do when a Dog Bites

What is a Catastrophic Impairment?

If you have been in a car accident, lawyers, health care professionals, and those in the insurance industry will often raise the question of whether you have sustained a catastrophic injury. In the auto insurance world, “catastrophic” means much more than the common-sense notion of that term.

How Much Is Too Much? Should Life Insurance Providers Use Your Digital Data To Determine Your Health and Premiums?

Wearable health and fitness tracking devices, such as Fitbit, and mHealth technology, such as Apple’s mobile applications, have become so ubiquitous that they have permeated into most of our lives. It should therefore come as no surprise that companies are interested in the potential wealth of data that they represent.