Imagine for a moment that you are suddenly injured in a car accident for which you are not at fault and are now stuck with its consequences, which most often include pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and impairments which impact your ability to earn a living. It’s a good idea to make sure that you use a lawyer who can really help you …
benefits Tag Archives
Protect Your Family from Catastrophic Automobile Insurance Reform
Anyone reading the tragic story of Adam Bari out of Hamilton, Ontario this past week will undoubtedly feel overwhelming sympathy for his now dire situation and will at the same time experience incredible apprehension and fear at the thought of such a tragedy ever happening to either themselves or to a loved one. Due to recent changes to the auto insurance regulations brought forth by …
Watkins v. Western Assurance Co., 2016 ONSC 2574
Accident Benefits Insurer’s failure to provide an Explanation of Benefits to a dependent of a policyholder who may have been entitled to accident benefits does not stop the time requirement of that dependant to apply for accident benefits within the statutory timelines and commence an action within the two-year limitation period
Intact Insurance Company v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada, 2016 ONCA 609
This was an appeal by an insurer of a decision assigning priority for accident benefits to it instead of the first responder. The main issue on appeal was the question of dependency.
4 Questions to Ask Your Broker Before Renewing Your Auto Insurance
On June 1, 2016, the automobile insurance coverage available to Ontarians fell dramatically, meaning car crash victims will now receive significantly less money to help them get back on their feet. The decreased coverage will take effect upon policy renewal. Unless consumers purchase optional additional coverage, the amount of coverage they have will be significantly less than it was prior to the June 1st changes. …
Optional Benefits Are Now Less “Optional” Than Ever
If you didn’t know that your automobile insurance benefits were reduced on June 1st, you are not alone. A recent survey conducted by the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (“IBAO”) revealed that only 42% of consumers had heard about the changes and less than 20% could actually identify what those changes were. All Ontario drivers need to be familiar with these reductions to auto insurance coverage …