catastrophic Tag Archives

Top 5 “Wow!” Moments from Insurance Companies’ Submissions to the Ontario Government on Restoring the $2M Catastrophic Limits

In 2019, the Ontario Ministry of Finance asked for submissions on automobile insurance and whether to return to a $2M limit for medical, rehabilitation and attendant care benefits for catastrophically injured people. Here are the Top 5 “Wow!” moments from those submissions…

NM v The Guarantee Company of North America

S.M. vs. Unica Insurance Inc., 2020 CanLII 12718 (ON LAT)

The bar for special awards at the LAT may have just been lowered in the wake of this recent LAT decision holding “there was a failure on the part of Unica or its agents to ask the relevant questions”…

Protect Your Family from Catastrophic Automobile Insurance Reform

Anyone reading the tragic story of Adam Bari out of Hamilton, Ontario this past week will undoubtedly feel overwhelming sympathy for his now dire situation and will at the same time experience incredible apprehension and fear at the thought of such a tragedy ever happening to either themselves or to a loved one. Due to recent changes to the auto insurance regulations brought forth by …

Optional Benefits Are Now Less “Optional” Than Ever

If you didn’t know that your automobile insurance benefits were reduced on June 1st, you are not alone. A recent survey conducted by the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (“IBAO”) revealed that only 42% of consumers had heard about the changes and less than 20% could actually identify what those changes were. All Ontario drivers need to be familiar with these reductions to auto insurance coverage …

Give and Take: Auto Insurance Premiums Drop at Expense of Ontario’s Injured and Vulnerable

Signs at Rally for Fair Insurance Benefits

OTLA President-Elect Adam Wagman recently appeared with Jerry Agar on Newstalk 1010, Scott Thompson of AM900 CHML, and also with Tom Hayes on Global News to speak about concerns with Ontario’s new auto insurance rules. On June 1, 2016, in an effort to reduce insurance premiums in Ontario, the Provincial government has mandated changes to accident benefits. These changes include a $1 million dollar reduction …