causation Tag Archives

Nelson (City) v. Marchi, 2021 SCC 41 (CanLII)

In this case, the Plaintiff was attempting to access a business, but the snowbank created by the city blocked her route to the sidewalk. She decided to cross the snowbank and seriously injured her leg…

Hacopian-Armen Estate v. Mahmoud, 2021 ONCA 545

In this case, the plaintiff died in 2011 of stage IV uterine leiomyosarcoma (“uLMS”), which had metastasized to her lungs. The allegation at the centre of the lawsuit was that her gynecologist failed to perform a routine endometrial biopsy in 2009 and that, if he had, her cancer would have been detected at an early stage such that her death could have been avoided through proper treatment…

Gagnier v. Burns, 2021 ONSC 1971

In this case, the Plaintiffs successfully moved to strike the Defendant’s civil jury notice. This is the first decision of its kind in the Windsor-Essex region…

K.H. v. Aviva Insurance Company, 2020 ONTLAT 19-013941/AABS

In this case, Aviva subjected to pay order for unreasonably withheld or delayed payments for having “stubbornly maintained its denial and forced a hearing where it, for the first time post-accident, raised causation issues”…

Doobay v. Fu, 2020 ONSC 1774 (CanLII)

The Plaintiff, Carmen Doobay, presented at hospital with, what she alleged, were signs and symptoms of a stroke. She claimed that the treating emergency professionals, a nurse and a physician, failed to recognize those signs and symptoms…