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Coban v. Declare, 2020 ONSC 5580

In this case, the plaintiffs brought a motion to strike the jury notice and the defendants brought a cross-motion to adjourn the trial because the pandemic has interfered with their ability to obtain responding medical reports…

Landry v. Dos Penedos, 2019 ONSC 1554

In this case, the Plaintiff was involved in two motor vehicle accidents. The first accident caused mostly soft tissue injuries to the Plaintiff, while the second collision caused serious injuries.

Driving Without a License: Can I Still Sue?

Imagine you are on an afternoon drive. You are obeying the rules of the road and driving in a safe and prudent manner. Suddenly, another vehicle comes along, blows through a clearly-marked stop sign and smashes into your vehicle. You are now injured and faced with a lifetime of pain through no fault of your own. Your first thought is to sue the at-fault driver. However, there is just one problem: you didn’t have a valid driver’s license at the time of the crash.

How the Family Law Act Helps Injured Victims’ Families

Family law act protects family

The effects of a car crash often extend beyond the injured victim and have a significant impact on the victim’s family. If a person is injured or killed by the fault or negligence of another, family members may make claims under the Family Law Act.